Windfall of Wherewithal
Published: Mon, 09/29/14
That human ingenuity be guided by Nature's Ingenuity:(Peoples Climate March in Perpetuity)Yo Team of ever more effective players on the Team of…
Caroline Casey ~ Newsletter
Published: Mon, 09/29/14
That human ingenuity be guided by Nature's Ingenuity:(Peoples Climate March in Perpetuity)Yo Team of ever more effective players on the Team of…
Published: Mon, 09/22/14
Tonight! Virtual Eleusynian Equino Talk with Caroline W Casey6 pm pdt, 9 pm edt right through E act Equino moment - 10:29 pm edt(via web, phone, audio…
Published: Sat, 09/20/14
Eleusynian Equino Climate Woof that we may come into collaborative balance with the Earth Virtual Equinoctial astro*politico*Mytho* meta guiding…
Published: Thu, 08/14/14
Visionary Activist Show Today Thursday, August 14th, 2014 at 2 pm PT Listen Live or Listen Later Venus pours Water on the conflagration to cool it all…
Published: Mon, 08/11/14
Now only through Thursday August 14th, "Step right up! Allez Oop!" etc.Astro-readings with Caroline W. Casey, usually $300, will be $250....(until…
Published: Sun, 08/10/14
Yo Fellow increasingly effective players on the team of creation..May it be so, at this time of Dire Beauty...As Isaiah says, "Speak to the weary a…
Published: Sun, 06/29/14
Caroline Casey yips:"Haloooooo!" (Bedouin greeting: "change your direction and come this way!")Let's gather to cultivate, animate, magnetize and…
Published: Wed, 06/18/14
Summer Solstice Setting Sail for Synchronous Serendip: Isis, Isis- Ra! Ra! Ra! 'Tis curious that the acronym ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) be…
Published: Mon, 06/02/14
Emergency Compassionate Trickster Venus-Mars- Council tonight! our on-going Trickster Training Councilopens its tele*coyote doors to all for this one…
Published: Sat, 05/24/14
Yo Team! I am currently at the Lightning in a Bottle mega-festival to present Trickster Medicine Saturday May 24th 4:15 pm-5:45 pm on the Temple Main…