Tonight! Virtual Eleusynian Equinox Talk with Caroline W Casey

Published: Mon, 09/22/14


Virtual Eleusynian Equinox Talk with Caroline W Casey
6 pm pdt, 9 pm edt right through Exact Equinox moment - 10:29 pm edt

(via web, phone, audio skype)
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Filing scouting reports from

Rousing Heartening New York Climate March

Earth Approves!

At last human dedication cooperating with the Earth's field.

Flora and Fauna cahoot from the Green Room
Human Ingenuity Willing to be Humbly Guided by Nature's Ingenuity - Atlast-again.

Dedication = magic, poignancy=kinship.

Pluto station - 8:34 pm edt (right before we convene - woo hoo"
as ally says, "When life gives you demons - make demonade!"
and so we shall, a rousing group demonade toast all around tonight!

Persephone Arises from Underworld as Queen (in myriad manifestations- take your pick!)
as Venus descends...Deep roots allow branches to weather the storm.

Dark of Moon: We gather to dedicate, with all beings, to navigate the rising tide of sane reverence.

New Moon in Libra Wednesday September 24th 2:14 am edt

Thursday September 25th-Jupiter trine Uranus:  The rest of creation, rolling its eyes at humans, says "ok, let's help them out, play to their intrinsic strong suits, story,myth...The two path openers cahoot, like greased lightning, to open the path to synchronous serendipity.

Join our cahoot
Caroline be talking tonight,
opportunities to chime in before exact Equinox

Woof-Woof Wanna-Play?!

Click here to register for the Virtual Equinox Talk

"Million to one chances crop up 9 times out of 10, when your heart is dedicated." Granny Weatherwax

 "remember when life gives you demons, make demonade!"

Liz Sandford

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