That human ingenuity be guided by Nature's Ingenuity: (Peoples
Climate March in Perpetuity)
Yo Team of ever more effective players on the Team of Creation,below is the gist of Trickster Training Council- tonight's dedicated delving (by enrollment only, but you could still be there tonight if so moved by intuitive whim)...This is our regular Monday night convening tele*coyote, by phone, web, skype (6 pm pt/ 9 pm et) (and recorded for those who can't make the call), where I present the presiding
Intelligences that seek to cahoot with us...and council members are free to chime in, or e-mail, during the call with quandary, query, blessing. We are dedicated to Compassionate Trickster within and without, as nature's "against all odds" profound witty playful spiraling Intelligence, that it suffuse and guide our actions, words, dedications, dreams.If - All war is a failure of imagination
- thenAll Peace is a Triumph of Imagination! We are cultivating an ever-expanding repertoire of responses, so as to be the anti-dote to a hot, reactive world. Let us be cool first responders, so as to Assume Narrative Cultural Lead.Time to experiment, experiment, experiment - try stuff-That we all move our emotional default setting
toWoof-woof-Wanna-Play?!Astrological readings are guided conversations; we metaphorically convene the council of you whereby to cultivate, animate your unique Medicine contribution to the world now. (booking into October, November and December) I would also especially encourage enrolling in Trickster Training Council, (for 3 months or one year) - the more the merrier- the stronger our field of spiraling blessing into group mind, in a way that is
replenishing to us.So, for the first ten who enroll in Trickster Training for 3 months, I am enthused to offer a 1/2 hour customized astro-reading, invoking the Rauti (thanks to Elizabeth Gilbert for bringing this tradition to light) - the customized ancestral exhortational
encourager.www.TricksterTraining.comAnd for the first ten who enroll for a year - offer a one
hour customized astro-session...www.TricksterTraining.comWindfall of Wherewithal
The qualities of Nature's Intelligence known as
Jupiter -Uranus constellate the greased lightning of Serendipitous Synchronicity,whose Grand Trine in Fire is completed by the Moon and Mars tonight.Tis as though the back-stage gods encourage: "O look at those humans, such a rude species - Let's help them out, for all our sakes, by playing to their strong suits....Making what they are good at - even more potent - Story, Myth, Dream, Let's see
the humans willing to co-operate with nature's evolutionary genius (represented by Uranus), and their child hearts delighted by the ensuing rapid call and response, feeling the intimate embrace of dancing with larger forces, and the pulse of the rhythm guiding us all back into accord the choreography of creation.
The Council of Ancestors - young leaders listen to their voices (MC 4 + Aquarius) presides over-head, as our antenna, what we are calibrated to send and receive from the past, present and future collective.
Let us engage in Reciprocal Blessing, Mutual Aid, Symbolic Symbiosis to compost non useful dread (nud), panic attacks, myriad clunky forms of depression - into the pluck of luck. Saturn transits define the conundrum, create the empty bowl, place the order for Jupiter to fill.
Ughh precedes Aaaah! Yikes into Whew into whewee..
| The Dweller on the Threshold turns out to be the Rauti - ancestral exhortational encourager, as well as Ganesh, and Mushkil Gusha, the Removers of All Difficulties.
For all foresee-able
now, when the Sun changes seasons, it heads right in to the Big Choreography...that we shall honor: (1st quarter Moon tomorrow conjoining Pluto...
Council of Mavens convenes to protect the next 7 generations, Mercury stations to retrograde on Yom Kippur, as Mars trines Uranus...may our deepest originating ceremonial impulses, uncontaminated by orthodoxy return....
leading to Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, conjoin Uranus on October 8th... We shall literally con-sider.
All under the aegis of Venus , entering her Libran presiding realm today,
filing scouting reports from the Underworld,
artfully animating Scheherezade,
who tells the very last tale of the Arabian Nights :
How the dreamed of caravans do actually arrive, in the nick of time, bringing the
windfall of wherewithal...
Bioneers w / Climbing Poetree - San Rafael, California ' October 17th, 9 pm, tickets $10 at door, or included in full bioneers enrollment www.bioneers.orgNevada City (details unfolding) Monday October 20thImpact Hub Oakland October 21st 7 pmMagnetizing Metphor into
MatterBuy Tickets at Event
October 25th John Henry halloween hoot (as Pagan as
Washington gets) all are welcome: bonfire, bag pipes, standing stones, theatre and Carolingian astro*Mytho*Halloween talk circa 8 pm (give John Henry address and time it begins) Event begins at 4:30 - Spring Wish Lane, Flint Hill VA