Summer Solstice Swoosh!

Published: Wed, 06/05/13


Convening the Council
of Extreme Mythological Weather


Summer Solstice Swoosh! Being Agents of Responsive Cool in a hot reactive world:

Caroline W. Casey
(at last! by popular demand!
rare DC home-town magnetizing mojo)

Saturday, June 22
Full Moon (for bonus points)
7:00 pm

$20 in advance
$23 at the door

Institute for Spiritual Development
5419 Sherier Place N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20016
(although this adorable Church holds 80 comfortably and 100 actually:
fore-seeing "sold-out", thus advising advance pre-emptive purchase, to avoid disappointment.)

Tickets available HERE

There will be music.... and the event will be recorded, and available for down-load purchase.

Advance purchase of recording is available now HERE for a mere $15

Our personal lives, personal and collective, are inextricably pulsing with the whole Big Dream:

Underneath the wild reactive conflagration in all Realms, and the desirable, yet volatile Genie out of the Bottle.

(Pluto square Uranus through 2015, collapse of old structures, liberating the energy invested in them for experimental re-dedication to collaborate with Nature - Renaissance!)

are the responsive cooling Waters of life, the Replenishing Realm of Oshun, Yemaya, Olodumare,(2 Grand Trines in Water!!!) - proclaiming the Kairos nature of now.
Kairos is the pivotal time when everything that everyone does, thinks, feels, tips the balance for life.

In fairy tales this is the opportune moment when the imaginative desirable is especially eager, against all odds, to swoosh into the material world, only awaiting our invitation.

So together, let's invite the Desirable! We be aligning with the navigational mystery strategy for this dynamic Summer.

Let us be Terra-ists Re-Story-ing the World!
Join me for Trickster Training on Cortez Island,
BC, Canada
July 17-21st
More information is available HERE

To cultivate the Medicine each one of us has to contribute to the world:

an astrological reading ($300)

the witty Carolingian valu-pak
(4 readings for $1000)

a season of Trickster Training Council ($200)


Caroline Casey    Coyote Network News    1-888-741-GODS