The Return of Big Girl

Published: Mon, 04/08/13


"Big Momma's Church of Christ the Girly Man"*

The Return of Big Girl


(tired of "goddess" talk, "Divine Feminine" talk, it all got so "namaste'd"  and earnest… Calling for more myriad fun forms of expression.)

Big Girl (BG) presents our current curriculae, exhorts:

"We are the Co-operators who are standing by!"

"Let all gatherings be dedicated as Cauldrons of Cultural Renewal." Dedicating = inviting (the skookum mojo for now) to enter onto the Playing Field.
Our practice for this night, and every night: Let us be and see the voice of the Earth, bubbling forth even unto the most unexpected, against all odds, places and hearts.

The Dream World is the back-stage venue for, not only Resolving Conflict, but animating the desirable vision…


Ceres-Demeter,"dwarf planet," at 0 degrees Cancer, be holding space, setting the template, for Jupiter's arrival in the early Summer (forming theGrand Trine in water with Saturn and Neptune.). (Whatever template we design, Jupiter, Nature's abundance will fill.)

Ceres has now returned to where she was when Hurricane Sandy (aka "Cassandra," "believe me now?!") assumed cultural narrative lead.

Time to abolish slavery of Nature, dominance giving way to collaboration, embark upon the Renaissance of cooperating with Nature's Ingenuity.

The prison guard is in the prison dream.We are not free when we dominate anything. Tyrannical dominance is compensatory weenie-dom. Releasing the outworn, dedicating New Forms for the Desirable Old. Now is the Dark of the Moon, to New Moon Wednesday 5:35 am edt in Aries at 20+ degrees = "pugilist,' which Trickster translates into

The Celtic Capoeira Moon.

capoeira Capoeira is the fantabulous Brazillian martial art dance, in which individual conflicts  are resolved, with wit, agility and focus, cartwheels and such, in the ritual embrace of the Community circle….
Let's syncretize and practice Celtic Capoeira - word-magic play…within the circle.

Rowena Pattee (I Ching - "Moving With Change) writes re Hexagram 4 "Youthful Folly" "The Moon Elixir in the Deep unconsciousness is surfacing to the conscious mind. Danger and even folly is a necessary process in the unfolding of wisdom."

Pat Ewing joins us again, tonight, Yea!

to respond to queries re the re-emergence of Big Girl,
Ancient originating impulse seeking new incarnational forms. Mary Magdelene standing by.

Old Ancient into New Forms…Encouraging language play to explore how each one of us chooses to address Mystery, …..
(aka "God," Goddess," etc. remembering that:) Mythic Figures are Metaphoric Animations of Intrinsic Intelligence in Nature and Metaphor is the Incarnational Garb whereby Power enters the world.

Metaphors be With You!

* actual Church in Portland, Oregon, borrowing the name, with all appreciative attribution.

This is the theme of tonight's here to join Trickster Training now.


Caroline Casey    Coyote Network News    1-888-741-GODS