Unfurling to Ride the Equinoctial Tide

Published: Mon, 03/18/13


Unfurling to Ride the Equinoctial Tide

We begin to awaken from the sleep-dream into the field of action.

Just as awakening from sleep, we seek to remember the important dream-of kinship- in myriad flickering forms, embody them, lest the opportune guidance become wispy ephemerata.

So, we are remembering our true selves, our destiny, our role in the Dynamic Mystery Play. You know, how sometimes people ask that harumphitudinous question, "who do you think you are?" To which we respond, "good question, but there's a flag on your tone." We re-frame: "Hoo-doo you think you are?!" "Hoo-Doo! You think! You Are!"

Neptune, characteristically, had already been observed by astronomer(s) in 1821, without their realizing it, and was only acknowledged, "discovered," in June of 1846. What have we already experienced, without knowing it, that now we realize? Neptune will transit through its home realm of Pisces until March of 2025, giving the home-team advantage to dreamers, those cultivating intimacy with the power of myths, dreams, metaphors.

I have fresh tales from the crypt of CPAC, from which I have just returned, where absolutely in myriad witty ways, my fieldwork made clear that even there, magic was alive.
Under the vast oily sheen of toxicity. ("Like a dead mackerel- in the moon-light, it both shines and stinks.")

Become a member of Trickster Training today. You will be able to:
  • join tonight's council and hear some of Caroline's tales from CPAC
  • read this email missive in it's entirety
  • access tonight's chart
Listen to last week's radio program, which was broadcast immediately following her visit to CPAC. (Note from web wuf: technical kurfuffles prevented the broadcast from starting on-time, but seems to have only heightened it's energy.)

Yet! If the magic is anywhere - it is everywhere. Truly.

Mercury, adorably, stationed direct on St. Patrick's Day. We re-turned to gather the essential Medicine of Transforming of Poison.

Whatever we do for ourselves grants us the spiritual muscle tone to be an agent of such in culture.

We continue to practice in perpetuity:
The sneakiest trick of the Reality Police, Dementors of Doom, is to snooker us into a narrative of vituperative polarity.

Any narrative of "they're gonna getcha" (fill in the blank, chem-trails, reptile people from the Futon Belt etc….) reminds us to say to ourselves and our buddies, "well, how shall you, we, Ho'o'pono pono that? Heal the demonic within ourselves, for are we not remembering we are wizards of transformative shape-shifting?!" Discerning the distinction between illusion ("in-ludo" = "in the game,") vs. delusion ("de-ludo"= "out of the game.") ; which is the difference between "finite" and "infinite" games.

Latency, potential, into action.
Mars and Uranus are already in the Vernal Dynamism of Aries, awaiting the Sun's entry on Wednesday at 7:02 am EDT, followed by Venus on Thursday.

Caroline is offering a A Virtual Vernal Equinox Gathering on Wednesday.
See below or click here for details.

Neptune, Chiron, and Mercury keep one foot (or fin) in the Oceanic Piscean world of Neptune-Jupiter's vast reverie.


Your Wish is Granted A Virtual Vernal Equinox Gathering
with Caroline W. Casey
Wednesday March 20th
6 pm PDT, 9pm EDT
via phone or web

(a mere magic $13)
Sign-up here

Once you sign-up, you will have accecss to a special page on the Trickster Training Site where you will be able to view the charts, log back in to download the replay later, or listen again at any time.

P.S. all those who are enrolled in Trickster Training Council are comped to this event

Sign-up here to join Trickster Training now.

Note from Webwuf: The PayPal link has been fixed. If you had trouble signing up before, please try again. Many apologies for the kerfuffle.

Caroline Casey    Coyote Network News    www.CoyoteNetworkNews.com    1-888-741-GODS