Summer Solstice audio feast,
of Myth, Magic & Music
They being the incarnational garb whereby Power enters the World.
Beloved Accomplice Deborah Felmeth (cross-pollinating cultural agent betwixt Syria and Vermont, and more…)
and I are brewing our proffering...
Monday, June 20th
9 pm eastern / 6 pm pacific
at our usual convening Trickster Council time…
Opening the doorway to all to audio attend,
by donation, according to autonomous intuitive whim:
Live Event can be joined by Phone, Web-Call, or Broadcast Online
Replay will be available on the same event page directly after the council concludes
Summer Solstice, when Legba/Mercury/Word Craft Magician hands the Baton to the Moon….
Tis the Time when Big Mama,
really aroused now,
prepares, with us, to bound onto the World Stage...
The Sun enters Cancer, the incarnational realm of the Moon, at 5:14 am edt on June 21st.
For customized guidance, we query -
"where be the Moon then?” Delineating the Nature of our Summer Season Strategy
In Aries! ha-ha! with Jupiter,
and Full of the Woof of the Woman Story-teller…
to liberate the entire circumstance…..
If we are lucky enough, on East Coast, to arise at Solstice moment, we would see the heliacal rising of Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter, 1st Quarter Moon, and Saturn,
voices of
effective accountability
as the sine qua non of democracy….
Very Wrathful Dakini! transformers of poison,
de-delusioning the populace,
dancing with Liberating Trickster,
protector of Democracy...
Democratic Animism Now!
The Sun quintiles Chiron, the Mentor-Centaur… so as Deborah has oft said, and I have oft quoted..
"We are crafting the future by gazing at the Caravan of Our Past Mentors…"
Mercury quintiles Neptune, so all the powerful practices and images that have ever moved humans to collaborative goodness,
are available
awaiting re-animation
by the fresh telling...
The January 6th hearings reminds me of Leonard Cohen’s anthem: Democracy is Coming to the USA
"So it was these world events that occasioned the song. And also the love of America. Because I think the irony of America is transcendent in the song. It’s not an ironic song. It’s a song of deep intimacy
and affirmation of the experiment of democracy in this country. That this is really where the experiment is unfolding. This is really where the races confront one another, where the classes, where the genders, where even the sexual orientations confront one another. This is the real laboratory of democracy.”
His words about “Democracy” not being an ironic song are crucial here. This is not a “Born In The U.S.A” situation, where patriotic music is used to deliver a stinging message about our country. When Cohen
slips into the heartland rock touches of “Democracy,” he is doing so to emphasize the song’s sneaky, clear-eyed optimism. When he sings, “Democracy is coming to the USA.” in the chorus, it is more with fingers crossed than with tongue in cheek.
He also suggests democracy has to come, because the people are desperate enough to will it into existence if it doesn’t get there of its own volition: It’s here the family’s broken/And it’s here the lonely
say/That the heart has got to open/In a fundamental way.
This is no rose-colored assessment of our nation, the cradle of the best and the worst, as he calls it. Opposition to democracy, he implies, exists in the country’s baser qualities, as he implores the
mighty ship of state to sail Past the reefs of greed/Through the squalls of need."
what I have been sallying forth:
Obatala (Higgins, 2009)
Obatala*Olodumare*Saturn presiding…
Waxing Full Moon Hearings
A toast to Saturnine Sacrament of accountability as the sine qua non for democracy!
Indeed for democratic animism,
And all life on this planet...
It’s dangerous, woo-hoo
but Trickster within and without, is inspired by dangerous impediments, that thy serve as inspirational incentives to avail ourselves of all of our skills…
Including - inviting in help…
Loves “against all odds”- now be perfect...
see Granny Weather Wax: “Million to one chances crop up nine times out of ten,”
when one be dedicated...
on-going- context: America’s Pluto Return
Democracy death or re-birth
We vote for re-birth!
Trickster is in play - everywhere or nowhere…
As is Myth…
Neptune (NASA JPL Caltech)
There be no place devoid of magic…
Anything anywhere is everywhere...
We calibrate our divinatory receptors to find the liberating collaborative opportunity…
Yoruba say, we receive the baton from our ancestors
to complete their dedications…
With their help…
We be guided to apply everything for which we have a dedicated affinity into
incarnational actuality…
Applied Mythology
Pragmatic Mysticism
Meanwhile we are concerned and alert that the Supreme Court thinks it’s getting ready to toss the country back into the dark ages
There are 148 days until the midterm elections.
"Hearing Aids
For the Hearing…
So tis indeed a highly fluctuating field in which we all be navigating…
my response after watching the first two hearings…
having approached with some trepidation, will citizens watch, will the committee do a good job etc?
Wow-stupendous powerful cathartic narrative craft….
humans doing their necessary work
As it began, I thought, O Bennie Thompson, the Chair…maybe not sufficiently charismatic…
But I was wrong!
I love being wrong, changing mind,
remembering that larger forces and their magic are always at work…
As the hearing/presentation unfurled,
I experienced Obatala and Olodumare standing behind Bennie
I texted Ami…if you have listened to our Friday the 13th presentation,
at the end I say
“Accountability is the sine qua non of democracy…
So Ami, let’s call in accountability.
And she did,
invoking Obatala and Olodumare…
and she really did…
forget my “charisma” concern - Bennie , with Obatala behind him, had what was skookum for this ritual: solemnity and dignity…
The Moon, the people, rising in the East at (My Saturn degree) - Robin Hood degree, restoring the balance of Justice to an unbalanced society…the will to transformation requires a group (Rudhyar)
Libra, Book of Wonders
“deliberate” comes from Libra…
and this ritual is a true deliberation…
Moon trines the Sun in Gemini, conversational availability…
Sun squares Neptune.. Let clarity, lucidity, vision overcome delusional obfuscation…
Sun and Moon from a Grand Trine in Air to Saturn stationing—
and Air- spiraling out into collective conversing…
I can honestly exhort all to watch,
and encourage all of us to exhort all to watch
Tis our Watergate, but more dire and necessary
Tis our Truth and Reconciliation…
The Moon opposite Chiron… May all the Mentors of Democracy be attending…
The part of Fortune - “a bomb that fails to go off…”
Well there was a bomb that failed to go off…
and the whole delusional murderous cruel fiasco was a bomb that failed to go off…
No question but that an actual coup was planned…
Mercury just past Algol (the beheading star - "hang Mike Pence”)
and just past the square to Saturn - gag order…
The impressive ovafying of Officer Caroline Edwards…
seated next to Nick Quested, British documentarian filming the Proud Boys/Oath Keepers, who also recorded on film the grievous injury to Officer Edwards…
providing much astounding film...
in the nick of time a quest….
The images - horrific and necessary…
Neptune sextiles Mercury and Pluto who trine each other…
lies, corruption and cruelty, o my, into the Cauldron, as well as arrogance and insolence…
to be composted into nutrient for democracy….
And Liz Cheney— quirky…. in the Mystery Play, to play such a crucial and skillful role…
As the Chinese detective novels guided us, "if you are authentic then demons will change sides…"
“I join the authentic, despite my many past creepitudinous stands, and my creepy dad, I join with those wishing to uphold democracy, and I bring my many Underworld skills…”
Sure, welcome!
and as was what Michael Steele called a “mike drop” moment…
“To my Republican colleagues who still defend the indefensible, I say your dishonor will remain after trump is gone."
We are still in grave danger
Accountability is the sine qua non for democracy…
sing forth in all….
(even a new group calling themselves Accountability Republicans…the word is healthily humming)
“Unless we find out how this happened - will happen again…"
Ivanka - bold admission
Liz Cheney - democracy now
Garland fitting the hand cuffs for trump.
Eager and enthused.
The first primary launching of the attack was at the Peace Circle.
Truly demonic tarot…
So we draw the Redemption Card...
Monday’s hearings scheduled opening with 15+ Leo rising, 15+ Aquarius setting, degrees of power for calling in what is needed.. Leo, not performance , magic…dedicated to collective
Sun, even closer to trine to Saturn, and square Neptune, may Vision supplant delusion…
Moon in Sag, Power of the Woman story-teller trines Mars and Jupiter- woofier and woofier…
More soon later
in perpetuity
A NASA camera on the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite returned its first view of the entire sunlit side of Earth from one million miles away 20 July 2015 (NASA's Earth Observatory)
Current availability begins in November
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