More information:
Rate drop
$350 for the 8 weeks of dedicated practice for all...
(cause all be mutable shape-shifting fluid….)
five people who enroll, today, tomorrow,
get a hardback copy (rare as hen’s teeth)
Customized signed by me!
"Making the Gods Work for you!"
Aka "Making the Gods
(Work for) you!"
Which will be a reference text (everyone gets at least an e-book) for our 8 weeks,
To quicken all of our participatory skills represented by the planets…
Also referencing Dion Fortune’s ritual work in
WWII to effectively protect Britain from the Nazi invasion…
Super useful-pertinent….
And her book “Psychic Self-Defense,” that I am dusting off and tricksterizing, so we don’t spook ourselves…
But we do engage -now- to protect life, protect
Springfield, Haitians, all working on election, all civil servants…
On out….to all Flora Fauna Fungi…..Virgo to Pisces...
As we all be called to engage with the world - Pisces, and our micro - Virgo - State…
We already have a North Carolina Bureau
Chief, more welcome….
And a Pennsylvania Bureau Chief
and Oregon
- I’ll do Maryland, and partly California..
When you enroll please note your state