from Word Perfect by Susie Dent:
"Trumpery is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as imposture or trickery, and dates it right back to the 1400’s"
Shakespeare added that it is "something of less value than it seems…highly flashy and pretentious, but ultimately pretty worthless…"
So the gods are making our current cartoon very simple for the humans….
for Americans and all, to be liberated from the tyranny con-man
that we all awaken self-possessed, rather than merely "possessed…”
Tyranny runs on fear, strife, polarity -
so let’s deprive it of that fuel so it fizzzles like a wet fire-cracker fart,
we run on satire, liberating wit, participatory animism…..
Star Trek - Captain Kirk - when the dementor that feeds on fear takes over the Enterprise…
Kirk gets them all high….
So when the being says - "you’re all gonna die, horribly…etc.”
The crew, inhales their spliffs and says, "this guy sure is gloomy.”
Laughs him off, and he slowly dwindles like a fire-cracker fats…psffft...
and so it guides
us….to deny tyrants their fuel of strife and fear….
Saturn humor, jaunty aplomb….
So many ways to participate in the fate of the World….
with all that Hillman and I brought forth on the
first-ever Visionary Activist Show (replayed for 28th anniversary, Thursday)…. Mythological literacy, wedded to participation…
Here be our
guiding chart for tonight:
Saturn on Harriett Tubman's Sun - so we welcome her effective participatory animism….
Moon in Sag in 8th…. the down-load of the power of the woman story-teller guide, be available by invitation…
Sun 17+ Virgo - Ouija Board - welcoming helpful spooks….
“I have no control over how my spirit allies protect me - so mind your manners!"