All Mercury - Hermias Moon, Venus also in Virgo be present…
Let's language craft -
to spiral forth liberating esoteric into cultural vernacular
So tonight
Seán Padráig O’Donoghue, fellow Bardic anarcho animist, will join our conversation, bringing
Celtic Wyrdness
To our ongoing cahoot
with me,
proffering the participatory astro animism guiding narrative -
This New Moon to Full Moon August 19th
And Council mates
political Muti-dimensional strategist Pat Ewing,
and Rebecca Lowe, Dream News corespondent
We aspire to be like the Car Talk Guys
priming the pump encouraging council mates to participate by chat or chiming in...
And you know, whom else was born after a New Moon in Leo, with the Moon then in Virgo with Mercury at 4+ Virgo (where transiting Mercury be exactly right now?!)-
Mutable T-Square, and Pisces- Leo conversation going on -
As now!!!!!!!