takes us right to the exact Full Moon at 9:07 pm edt (6:07 pm pdt)
(and the Moon rises, begins walking the Earth at 8:32 pm edt, having entered Capricorn,
the Council of Redemptive Tricksters, awaiting
our invitation - at the Winter Solstice Degree of King Arthur, High John de Conquer….and all wise leadership .
Harriet Tubman! and her Cooperative animism, manifesting in against all odds good….
Tis the Capricorn-Cancer Full Moon…
for conjuring, magnetizing, animating and
spiraling forth-
Saturnine Structures to serve Big Mama’s loving protection of life….
We will be convening right through the exact Full Moon….woo-hooo
a potent, opportune time for us all to plight our
as the Kogi would have us do….
The Kogi of Colombia - said that this Summer Solstice was all important…
That humans had until now! to dedicate to the Earth…
and according to our dedication would determine if more than 30% of the Earth would be still
alive by the Winter Solstice of 2025 - a year and a half from now...
(Neptune stationing at 29+ Pisces - the last degree of the zodiac, now, and then)
Full Moon Solstice Sovereignty ceremony where we wed ourselves….and plight our troth…
Today, let’s keep crafting our dedications,
and during the cahoot…
Because we shall wed them too….
Let's have a libation ready for celebratory toast
“Kiss the bride for you are she - re-wedded to your sovereignty!"
to our Sol Stice - the Sun - stands still
Now through June 23rd (High John Eve)…. are the exact Longest Days (day light is 15 hours and 17
to a deep, still place,
agents of principles, rather than subjects of laws...
'The moment you know who you are, you know what to do. ' - #ParamahansaYogananda
and the sacred teachings
Rocky and Bullwinkle : "Eenie meenie chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak!"