Time for Venus, within and without
- to assume Cultural Narrative Lead
5 pm pdt / 8 pm edt
Caroline with great allies
Deborah Felmeth
(listen to our most recent radio:
by Donation
usually $23, any amount,
upon intuitive whim - be welcome!
(variations on 5, sacred to Venus, be fun -
$5, $14, $23, $32, $50,- $122- $500 etc- hee-hee!)
Middle Eastern-Celtic- Sufi Voudoun syncretism
plant lore, astro*mytho*guiding narrative, poetry,
song, rubab (5,000 year old instrument originating in Afghanistan)
Where there be too much heat
(uninitiated Mars hyper-yang death frenzy,
war on life, war on Venus)
Let’s align with Venus,
with Mars providing back-up Woof!
so that we may all to step into the Still Point
at the center of the Story Storm
Equinox= Equal Night and Day, Mars and Venus,
humans and the rest of our kin...
Mayumi Oda "Goddess Gave Name to All Animals"
Democratic Animism Now!
In whatever small, vast amount of time we have-
We have come to make the world more beautiful…
“To Love Disharmony back into Harmony -
Creates a Greater Harmony than existed before.”
(Michael Gruber)
That’s our story-& we’re sticking to it,
while increasingly aware of the great Danger..
Tis when Liberating Trickster is aroused within and without
“If we all paddle together- we can do impossible things!”
(Wikuki Kingi, my Trickster son)
(Carl Safina, author of much, latest is
“Beyond Words-what animals think and feel,"
will be radio guest September 23rd)
And ~
Astrological Chart Interpretation Course
Friday September 24th – Friday, October 22nd, 2021
Friday September 24th · 5 pm pdt, 8 pm edt
presenting a 5! week course
on astrological chart interpretation…
Astrology is an exquisite language of our interior psyche,
separated by a thin membrane, we call identity
from the whole huge biological and cultural conversation.
(Tis how I convene personal readings)
Language Crafting
that our words, metaphors, stories
be in accord with our dedicated hearts.
With particular honoring of Uranus, Neptune, Pluto,
de-conditioning agents, the keepers of the Big Conversation,
that pours, in customized fashion, into our unique psyches.
Limited Enrollment
so we can introduce each chart to the choreography of now..
be a true Cahooting Council
Enrollment by Application
(send a brief note here with birth data,
familiarity with astrological language, and why enthused…)
(to be billed after application review)
The Corona virus is spiky –
a crown with barbs
So let’s be smooth….
First responders (v. First reactors,
of which we have a surfeit)
agents of cool response in hot reactive world...
This thought came to me
as I was swooshing through water at dusk,
After a day of being particularly prickly…
about many things alleging to be “spiritual”:
there was a book I was particularly
annoyed at on my shelf…
because the author had told a
friend/follower that eclipses were “evil.”
So I was just going to toss it unread into re-cycling,
When it fell open at this particularly useful page…
Thank you witty Trickster agent of liberating serendipity,
composter of impedimental harumphitude..
Nuance… discernment –
smooth witty trickster swoosh
So spot on -useful…
and the sentence continues to the next page:
“When you are able to connect with it,
you are spontaneous and feel authentic and genuine.”
-“Radical Healing” by Rudy Ballentine
I love this re-discovered Ethan Hawke encouraging
“Job of poet is fool!”
“Art is not luxury but sustenance.”
So great – for this just now behind us
Season and Full Moon of Creativity, Leo!
“Human Creativity is Nature manifest in us”
“Here to help one another.”
“What do you love?”
And then in accord with guiding zodiac,
after Leo Creativity – comes Virgo-healing.
“Creativity is the way we heal each other.”
Trickster Training Council
Weekly ° Monday Nights ° Live Council ° Recorded
Astrological Reading Specials
For $280
Leo, 15th c. medieval European text
Virgo Matalî’ al-sa’adat (Osman c 1582)
(v. usual $350 - still great value for everyone else)