Sun sextile Pluto - we inwardly dedicate to Positive Intrigue…
and really, all the back-stage Divine wants from us is the simple dedication (feel free to customize, with own words!)
“Dance me into place where I can do the most good, have the most serious fun, and contribute my gifts to the Community in a manner of Reciprocal Blessing…"
Any customized version of the above, given outward voice-
will suffice to follow Nor Hall’s encouragement:
“deliberate celebration of the change of seasons stirs the creative powers of the psyche."
and always, a favorite etymology: “deliberate”- from “Libra”
and two verbs - “libare”- “to balance,” & “librare" “to liberate.”
To be deliberate - is to be in a state of liberating balance….
Let it be our aspiration…
The simple Magic of connectivity be now…..
"May we all awaken self-possessed, rather than merely “possessed."
We avert disaster ("against the stars”)
by gathering to consider (“with the stars”)
We are getting ready for our jaunty setting forth: