Whatever we came to do - now would be good!
cahoot with
Caroline W. Casey
proffering astro*mytho*politico guiding narrative
(Gathering Woof for the Season unfurling before us…)
with long-long-time ally
Amikaeyla Gaston!
Orisha songstress - calling in the woof to animate the desirable,
as humans have done at this time, for circa 25,000 years.
Whereby for us all to honor the ancestors,
opening the portals of Reciprocal Blessing -
to and fro between worlds…
the Positive Saturn, Obatala, to enter into incarnational actuality.
Welcome! Osin, the keeper of all plant lore,
all the Plutonic gods of fermentation and compost…
Monday December 21, 2020
6 pm pst / 9pm est
by phone or web
(audio only, cause tis deep dark Mystery time)
Saturn and Jupiter conjoin this day!
setting the story template for the next 20 years…
Yes, am up for cahooting, that our inner dedication - Saturn!
magnetize outward opportunity - Jupiter!