So let’s suck al the chi out of delusional toxic mob mind, and exhale into the sails….
Let’s all blow together… now
and especially as the Moon continues to sail through Gemini, Mercury’s sign,
and trines emergent Mercury at 8:49 am est November 4th….
Moon in classical Greek astrology is the Will of the People.
The voice of the people will be heard, resoundingly…
and yes, much nefariousness be in the works,
hence we are all holding vigil,
a guarding watch over this time of dedication…
am going out to find a big bees wax (sacred to Venus) candle
to keep lit, as we journey through this wild rip-tide.
(Rip-tides are turbulent, yet fertile.)
*Will be convening Election Magic Council tonight (closed enrollment), but reciprocal blessing with all doing dedicated work now.
*Tomorrow morning, convening an 1 hour astro*mytho*politico address ~ Online, Free, Zoom Gathering as part of the 'Place of Refuge' Election Vigil (see earlier newsletter for details)
and whom would you nominate for me to host on Thursday’s Visionary Activist Show?