Citizen Trickster,
agent of democratic animism, arising
This Full Moon Halloween Election
on-going dangerous worthy adventure,
on which we are all embarked...
Tis Taurus Scorpio,
to and fro betwixt back-stage and on-stage
Metaphors are eager to be invited
into incarnational actuality...
by dedicated acts of Beauty.
Art magnetizes Power into the world
to animate (Mars) the proffered template
of our dedicated craft...
Jupiter says, "what ever vessel of dedicated desire,
for self and world, you place on your altar
of Death and Re-birth - I will fill it."
The Full Moon Sabian Degrees:
rooting out visible and invisible decay & corruption.
(Sun 8+ Scorpio) via the Moon, exalted in Taurus,
conjoining Nature’s evolutionary trickster genius, Uranus.
Partner up with what we love in …
The Moon's degree is “Christmas Tree -
the ability to create inner happiness in dark times.
The vivid faith in a transformed future.”