"Sometimes the healing dose is close to the lethal dose”
“Woo-hoo” says Pluto
an experimental
begins October 13th,
as Mercury stations- hee- hee!
Every Tuesday October 13th through December 22nd…
4 pm PT/ 7 pm ET
via Zoom
(11 weeks)
Accepting inquiries, applications... Trickster sorting hat…
Who’s a harmonious fit for this particular experiment?
There will be others in 2021…
We let synchronicity be our booking agent...
"Election Magic" will require actual (yea!) Saturn!;
as each week, in the spirit of Dion Fortune, we will have
* Metaphors to animate,
* Desirable Mythic Headlines to compose,
* Altars to craft,
* Tools to gather...
And circa 15 minutes per day, ritual in solitude, so that when we gather we can all spiral forth together.
Without hubris, or hungry for status, we are willing to play with what we can do, with the resonance of all Mystery Schools behind us… (that we honor by tricksterizing- yip-yip!…)
Many of our mentors ~ Joseph Campbell (with whom I studied), James Hillman (a colleague-buddy, first guest on Visionary Activist Show - a great recording, gratis, for all who might like) ~ gathered many keys, that they be handing to us - to put the keys into the lock…
How shall our practices incarnate into actual good,
dedicated to collective well-being?!
Tuesday we convene & will have a follow up note the following morning, for thematic collaboration...
I'm hiring you to hire me,
so we all get organized…
steady dynamic,
ready for action (like Quan Yin),
ready for danger (like Wrathful Dakinis, who laugh!),
so as to "dree our weird,"
"play our role in destiny."
Twill be guided by participatory astrology… I will be showing guiding beautiful symmetries, between us, the wild ride of now, history, ancestors.
If one is familiar with the astrological language, from beginner to professional,
that is Wonderful!
but not a pre-requisite, as long as one is a good sport.
Everything will be teased into accessible pertinence…and all queries of clarification,
"What does that mean?" "What are we doing?"
"Why are we here?" - are always welcome…
(and each participant will be sent a cute astrology vocabulary hand book pdf)
We are all on this wild journey…
no matter the venue of our cahooting…
As 27+ Libra reminds us
(hopping up everywhere in Kamala Harris' chart
- her Sun, in Venus on November 19th)
“A person in deep gloom, unnoticed a glowing circle of angels surrounds them,” which I love.
Alone - easy to be frightened and gloomy.
When we gather, with visible and invisible allies -
we are the glowing circle of angels!
I have two convening venues -
equally adorable, related, but distinct:
on-going for aeons,
Monday Night Trickster Council 6 pm pt/ 9 pm et,
audio only by phone or web. Invisible has its freedoms..
(& less financial and time commitment)
Monday, is Lunar, as much as one likes,
and just show up for live or recorded…
(v. Tuesday, Mars day,
has practices & home play.)
Monday-Moon, brewing, current weekly themes and how shall we cooperate… Goes through many rhythms, participants are always welcome to chime in, e-mail, or just listen…
always embracing new allies to join with the old.
$200 for 3 months
And of course, there will be cross-pollinating betwixt these dedicated groups (some people are in both - woo),
and the weekly radio show, The Visionary Activist Show...
Saturn is right on my ascendant now:
let our dedications grow their form.
Before us all is the task of cultivation
what is it to be an agent of Citizen Trickster,
agent of liberating democratic animism,
a willingness to form alliances with all we love.
To wheel and deal back-stage,
that some of the horror of what our rogue species has invoked,
may be negotiated into metaphoric, rather than literal...
Participatory Astrology
Participatory Mythology
Participatory Animism
tis not "what’s gonna happen?"
but "what wants to happen…"
and how shall we all collaborate to magnetize, animate,
and spiral forth the irresistible, all inclusive,
guiding meta-narrative?! Woof-Woof!
"Magic is a willingness to cooperate with everything!”
especially when navigating the underworld…
Dancing with Demons…
Traditions offer Aikido choreography...
This time journey (October 13th - December 22nd)
proffers counsel re navigating these rapids,
keeping knees bent, and very very steady…
so as to arrive safely;
to keep our appointment with this Winter Solstice,
when Saturn and Uranus conjoin
to set the template for the next 20 years.
0+ Aquarius,
“Old adobe mission in the desert - being a cultural beacon.”
Welcome to all outsider parts of ourselves,
all those in witness re-location programs,
hiding out from the myriad forms of Inquisition.
The Inquisition is intrinsically wimpy now,
underneath all the bluster, yet still dangerous in its flailing…
We harm none, in the spirit of Trickster folk heroes,
willing to liberate the entire circumstance.
Mercury station Direct on Election Day,
to emerge from its shadow
on November 19th =
date of Gettysburg address,
that hovers over this election:
“That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
That day is Joe Biden’s solar return.
The Sun is where it was when he was born.
Venus at 27+ Libra
is where the Sun was
when Kamala Harris was born,
(on full Moon- awooooo-woof),
exactly square the Moon at, 27+ Capricorn,
which is America’s Pluto.
We are headed into America’s Pluto return….
So twas very savvy,
as I have been laying all this out for a while,
for Joe to journey to Gettysburg, and recite those lines….
We root for everyone.
"Whatever we speak to in another
is the part of them we are encouraging
to dance with the corresponding part of ourselves."
Calling all public dreamers, in myriad realms…
the Neptunian memosphere is the first place of influence
for the Liberating Trickster within us all.
Dedicated ritual magic:
To spiral liberating lightning into Group Mind,
with altruism and ingenious kindness,
to begin to redress the harm done by our species,
the cruelty inflicted on our kin, by our rogue species;
whose devolutionary nadir is embodied in the
glistening globule of monstrosity, menacing steroidal bombast,
to which we have out-sourced our Saturn - authority.
We inhale our own authority - lest the world be authoritarian.
Everything that everyone does - matters now….
Mercury - language crafting,
and Neptune, metaphoric agility
be among the crafts we are dedicated to cultivating.
Many ancestors to be invited into council:
FDR, Abe Lincoln, Social Security, US Chart, John Muir, Harriet Tubman, Molly Ivans - and more, all mentors
(all of whose charts are human, eager to be invited from back-stage into participatory cahoots.) (feel free to nominate)
Drawing on the work,
(but customizing & Tricksterizing everything)
of Dion Fortune, working with the ritualists of Britain,
to protect England from the Nazi invasion.
When asked, “when will the war end?"
she responded, “I cannot tell you when it will end, but I will tell you how it will end. It will end when the conditions that gave rise to it - are
Alrighty - Our deep task, and realm of investigative, diagnostic and healing play.
Trickster gods of accountability/Poe-etic Justice be romping...
wishing all
that anything up to no good
be under-staffed, and too expensive, while
everyone wanders in the woods.
(none of us are
"out of the
...a good place to be, encountering Baba
that we all sober
and come to manifest manners of
(also, “The Comey Rule,” in which he stars as Comey,
is pretty fantabulously pertinent)
and just how crazy it be
(everything is a tarot card),
we dreamed/divined
“the leadership part of our collective,
in its hunger to ignore the request of Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
as she was dying, convened a super-spreader event…
decimating the ranks of many, including Senators needed
to begin the hearings October 19th, as Mercury is already
retrograde. To station on election day.. And emerge Nov. 19th."
Exhilarating narrative...
To collaborate with Liberating Spookiness,
story crafting songstress, Deborah Felmeth (of Syria and Vermont) and I will be doing an audio, story, music presentation on Halloween October
more details soon…
And for fun, here be our Election Magic 1st Council Chart...
O, and tis my birthday eve, Sun already at 21 Libra
(opposite Mars, woo-hoo,
“gateway to the garden of all desired things")
…Dark of Moon in Virgo, Mercury in Scorpio,
just as when I was born….
Images in this newsletter:
Pluto, Marshall Islands stamp
Saturn with his scythe, riding in his chariot, Engraving by C. Lasinio after Raphael, 1516
Quan Yin (Kuan yan) bodhisattva, Wood, Northern Sung dynasty, China, c. 1025
Lunar Goddess
Hand spiraling out liberating blessings
Mercury Hermes Trismegistos, alchemical illustration
Folk Tales of Bengal by Rev Lal Behari Day by Warwick Goble, 1912
Baba Yaga as depicted by Ivan Bilibin, 1900
Jeff Daniels "Trumpty Dumpty Blues"
Full Moon Hallowe'en illustration
Phoenician patera, from Idalium, showing a religious ritual dance
Caroline Casey on Zoom