Equinox Eve
with Caroline Casey
Tonight! September
6 pm
9 pm
by phone or web
(audio only. Invisible is deft for
Autonomy is a
Where ere we all be,
with us,
Music and Metaphor are the Incarnational Garb
whereby Power enters the
The Gěrănŏs from a vase in the Museo Borbonico, Naples
Tonight we are convening,
to bestow and receive replenishing blessings!
at this time of coming into Balance.
Deliberate! (from “Libra” - and libare - to liberate,
librare - to balance.) To be deliberate is to be in a state of Liberating Balance.
with many attendees
human, Flora Fauna, Mythological,
Intelligences of Nature (Orishas)
called in by our co-cahooter Amikaeyla!
(& we just did our sound check, and even w/ good mike, Ami’s voice is a squosh muffled...
so we trickster frame that, as it’s coming to us from the ancient mythic realms…)
*All perfectly befoibled, with which to hone our metaphoric agility…
Caroline and Amikaeyla (Bioneers 2019)
Tonight as a Virgo magic dedication,
we will begin at 9 pm et/6 pm pt,
and encourage, a few moments before
settling in telepathically, all of us in the Green Room dedicating to the Flora Fauna of this Earth…
This Equinox Eve, the Sun’s image is “ A woman calmly cleaning the house in the midst of an earthquake."
Oya ~ Change, Goddess Oracle Card deck (Amy Sophia Marashinsky & Hrana Janto)
Which we do, once we step into the center of the storm,
from whence we cahoot with
whirling her horse-tail whip,
to summon the winds of change.
And we with her...
“May the winds of democracy swoosh away all delusion!”
*Ami sings Barasuayo, incantation to Legba, Mercury,
distributed through out vastness, to come into focus, that we may gather our wits, and remember our language craft…
This is where we tell the election, on-going to Inauguration story, because the Mercury part of all of us plays a huge role… in the Autumnal adventure unfurling before us.
Mercury stations on election day, just like 2000 election. (perhaps the 2000 election results will come in now.)
So, let us quell anxiety - woo-hoo,
by tossing into Pluto’s cauldron.
So that we can be calm, dynamic, wondering, willing, ready.
Our wise animal, as in Faery Tales shows up now to reassuringly nuzzling our hand, in this circle,
as we declare our availability:
to be danced into place,
where we can do the most good,
have the most fun, and
contribute our considerable gifts to the Community,
in a manner that is replenishing!
*Ami - Calling in the ancestors
consider whom we want
to honor, praise, and call in their Medicine,
from personal & collective lineage: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Abraham Lincoln, George Floyd, John Lewis, Martin Luther King, Chadwick Boseman, Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt, FDR, Social Security, Dion Fortune
——on and on…
Everyone can say their names, as Ami sings/drums this portal opening song...
As Medicine People, we gather to diagnose
the dangerous Holy Moly,
in order to dissolve the toxicity of the imprisoning con,
liberate the entire atmosphere.
As is the strategy of the Liberating Trickster
within and without.
(All praise Mary Trump, Abraham Lincoln: Gettysburg address…)
“The purpose of ritual magic is to spiral into Group Mind, expanded Wisdom & Tolerance.”
(Dion Fortune)
and all other qualities of liberating spice
we choose to spiral forth.
Participatory Astrology
Participatory Mythology
Participatory Animism
We can hold a steady balance…
"Maintaining an atmosphere of serenity,"
derived from dedicated purpose.
Each moment of time awaits our dedication to co-animate the desirable qualities of that moment (lest we leave them by default, to the dementors of doom, aaah, ack)
15+ Taurus/Scorpio Rising Setting -
The gates of power are open…
Yod, aka "Finger of Destiny":
Great conversation betwixt Venus/Vesta in Leo
to Neptune in Pisces…
That our creativity be, not so much “performance,”
as magic. Performance in service to magic.
Jupiter in Capricorn completes the pattern,
that as in days of yore, humans assembled at Equinox
to call in creative woof, to animate the community’s desirable guiding story…
We can feel their vitalizing calm dynamic presence, proffering skills, whereby to spiral out of polarity,
assume cultural narrative lead..
Metaphor & Music are the Incarnational Garb whereby power enters the world...