“Don’t you be so sad and blue -
you got Big Mama looking out for you!”
and there’s no bamboozling her, she’s seen it all.
And knows just what to do.
At Dark of Moon before next day’s New Moon Eclipse,
as Venus & Neptune be stationing,
Mercury hands the baton to the Moon, Yemaya,
Oceanic Protector, Respecter of Life
All the Mothers are being called, weaving dynamic peace,
in reciprocal blessing…
Dark of Moon is traditionally when community convenes
to direct the course of human culture.
Our Mythic selves resonate with Solstices
as potent time of ritual magic:
“O literal and symbolic light of Sun -
illuminate what we do not usually see
- this poem, these words, this painting
at the back of the cave.
For this is the desirable story
we choose to animate."
Venus is in the underworld, preparing to return
with the gift of breath, and eloquence
in service to participatory kinship and blessing