Robin Hood and Merry Band
on Magic Carpet!
be the image for this
Equinoctial Waxing Full Moon,
at 18+Libra-1+Aries,
whose incarnational agents,
Venus and Mars,
are in Grand Trine accord.
A descriptive disaster,
if we don’t gather to consider the liberating guiding…
(gathering in myriad forms of which this be but one.
Autonomy is a sacrament…)
The Arabian Nights, Soper (1900)
The Spirit of Woof is eager to cooperate in magnetizing,
and animating this desirable image
with our blessing…
the egalitarian sharing of collective wealth,
dedicated to supportive solace.
That we re-weave the tattered nets of tangible collective embrace.
Because this is such an opportune humongous
Super Full Moon,
Trickster Training Council is once again opening its metaphoric doors for all, not (yet! ha-ha!) enrolled,
for a magic $23:
This is the missive, for what be on our Trestleboard,
that I sent to those already
If you be overwhelmed with enthusiasm,
you can enroll for 3 months for
And many have spoken of yes,
tight collapse of all structures $ circumstance.
We are all in this dream
And they would have to wait to re-enroll, or enroll.
"Might there be some reduction in fee,” has been
So yes, let all Saturn limitation be an incentive for Uranus experimentation, for the good of
something to share,
from a long
a love of…a skill
We are always moving our emotional default setting to
Way Holy Week of Dire Beauty-
Death and Re-Birth be all over the place...
Equinoctial Waxing Full Moon, whose image is
Robin Hood and Merry Band
on Magic Carpet
Viktor Mikhaylovich Vasnetsov
the Spirit of Woof is eager to cooperate in magnetizing,
and animating this desirable image
with our blessing…
the egalitarian sharing of collective wealth,
dedicated to supportive solace.
That we re-weave the tattered nets
of tangible collective embrace.
Good Friday Crypt Saturday Easter Sunday
Full Moons are more of everything…
( so let’s vote for reality…)
The Moon forms a Grand trine in Air tonight,
to Venus and Mars
After sunset see the glory of the almost Full Moon
rising at 2+ Libra, exactly trining Venus at 2+ Gemini.
We get to see exactly 120 degrees of arc in the sky.
Breath of Gaia, Josephine Wall
Venus in Gemini, our and earth’s lungs
(let’s explore deeply tonight…Wheel and Deal time,
to heal our lungs, we get to vow to heal
and protect the Earth’s lungs.)
Trining Mars below the horizon,
aligned with Saturn and the Pluto Team.
So let’s all breathe deeply and calmly,
with all beings.
Like Sumo Wrestlers before a match.
The referee will not begin the match
until the two “opponents” are breathing together.
The prospect of needing to hook two people up
to the same ventilator, is a terrifying challenge,
on the edge of life and death.
Because they breathe at different rates.
Orthodox protocol, then wants to sedate both people
and impose a rhythm…Big sigh….All facts are metaphoric.
Let’s cooperate rather than dominate.
Priestess of Delphi, John Collier
Everything is divinatory now,
all a communicative “mancy.”
Twitter o’mancy.
Someone said reach for the book nearest you
and read p. 47, 3rd line.
So, I cheated a little, because we Tricksters are guided
but not obedient. So, I reached for the 2nd closest book,
Dion Fortune’s “The Magical Battle of Britain..”
A book, I have read aeons ago, and have been referencing
ardently since trump cabal came into dominance.
Here’s the line:
“If we were unable to maintain an atmosphere
of serenity in our own head-quarters,
how could we hope to be a nucleus of stability
for the group-soul of the nation?”
OK, woof-woof,
thank you treasured mentor, Dion.
I went on, and so shall we,
honoring all pertinent in-coming,
our own mega mythic news service.
Much to share tonight…
Also, turning to a book
I started reading years ago, now humming,
“Stranger Magic, Charmed States
and the Arabian Nights,” by Marina Warner…
How do we greet the stranger,
and dance with demons?
Much choreography available.
The Story of the Fisherman from the Arabian Nights, William Harvey
And the useful metaphoric template
of Jinns, ifrit air spirits.
Riding in on Magic Carpet,
with Robin Hood and Merry Band
of democratic distribution genies…
(Remember, Micah telling us that
Mugwort calms down riled spirits…)
Part of our assignment is to re-direct ingenuity…
from the imprisoning up to no good,
to the liberating manifest blessing…
(applies to smart criminals, sociopathic scammers, etc.)
Mars & Saturn square Uranus, trines our Moon,
(AOC and Bernie’s Mercuries =
“Dawn of a New Day Reveals everything changed.”)
Uranus is at the "Bridge over rocky gorge degree,"
“Finding a way outta no way.”
Invokes our Council Guide High John.
And re-minds us all,
that our unique gifts are being honed,
clarified, de-conditioned and liberated.
Mars, "performer in a ritual Mystery Play”
extends field from grand trine
to quintile the Sun in Aries,
whose recommended attitude is
“A hammock stretched between two trees…”
Hanging out in rhythmic reverie is recommended
as most effective attitudinal strategy…
The quintile allows us to hummmm
well-wishing into world,
and the capacity to open portals between worlds
for the desirable to pour into the realm
of incarnational actuality….
The descendant is
“Woman weeping at an open grave.”
May much grief…
be expressed as empathic kinship...
The MC is 11+Leo,
Undercover agents gather
for Positive Intrigue - that be us….
Pluto quintiles Chiron,
further opening the gates between worlds,
from the Aesclepions into modernity….
All mentors reporting in for duty…
Mercury quintiles Vesta in Gemini,
again we are brought back to lungs,
And our dedication to community breathing,
expressing, blessing...
Without hubris, presumption, even causality,
let’s see how we may cooperate with
the opportunities generously proffered to us…
To animate the desirable,
and spiral forth into group mind…
If you joined us for the Quintile special and wish to renew for 2 months at the special rate, please contact us!