Dedicated to being agents
of Liberating Trickster - Keeper of Democracy
Trickster Medicine
is the sine qua non,
because it renders all the other
dedications - effective...
Whewee! What a Year to toss into the Cauldron
and Ladle out
the necessary encouraging jaunty woof! Medicine
we need for the adventure ahead...
Winter Solstice Celebration
with astro*mytho* Maven Caroline Casey
(& magnetizing Mystery Musicians!)
Friday December 20, 2019
7:00 pm
Institute for Spiritual Development
5419 Sherier Pl NW,
Washington, DC 20016
Time of incarnational Mystery
Bring Whistles, pots and pans (or playful kin)
Whereby to animate this Saturnalia!
Our species has out-sourced leadership to dementors of doom (cheap shake-down goons, monstrosities feeding on cruelty)
Until Now - Let’s gather
to inhale back our Saturnine autonomy,
sucking all of our leadership chi back in -
and exhaling that creative liberated chi
into the templates of the desirable,
Envisioning endogenous structures
of wise governance dedicated to collective well-being…
Wher'er we be?! Our dedicated hearts
magnetize power into the world,
to animate the templates we proffer.
Co-Operators are Standing By!