Tis Death and Resurrection Show Time!
Labyrinth of the Four Elements by Zizoomi
I be on my re-Woofing re-birthday Tour,
as are we all in some form…
micro to macro to micro,
all a spiral dance of fierce Reciprocal Blessing...
Metaphorically cooperating with our customized underworlds -
to brew Medicine for us all
at this Dangerous Beautiful Time-
as liberating lightning strikes the circle of habit,
and turns it into a spiral…
Let's see Coyote ladling spirals out of the Cauldron,
wafting into the memosphere,
whereby to conjure the atmosphere conducive to the desirable...
Spiral based on petroglyph in Arizona
Caroline welcomes long-time ally – of all life – indefatigable Pragmatic Mystic, Star Hawk.
“This is our 40th anniversary Spiral Dance— It is exciting to be part of something that has lasted so long!”
“Intention: To reclaim the golden thread of magic that spans time, and draw from the lessons of the past to weave a just and vibrant future.
Halloween—the time when the veil is thin between the worlds, when we honor our ancestors and beloved dead, and dance the spiral of rebirth and regeneration.”
Brewing Underworld Magic
Tonight - Thursday, October 17th · 7:00 pm
with Amikaeyla Gaston
on our
“We have all been close to Death Re-Woofing Tour”
a council dedicated to the cultivation of eloquence, story-telling, pragmatic mysticism - and more! - a deeper delving and animation of Fall Equinox Opportunities available to those cultivating their customized Compassionate Trickster.
$30 Day of and Door
reservations recommended
(415) 457-4191
Open Secret Bookstore
923 C Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
Sufi Aikido Trickster Guide to Redemptive Underworld Magic
an evening of astro*mytho*politico*guiding *meta-story
free to all
the more the merrier the magic
also with Amikaeyla Gaston and crew
By Cultivating a camaraderie of jaunty aplomb in dangerous times, we out-enthuse the dementors… and swoosh all reactive polarity into responsive liberating spirals. We have all been assigned a customized cauldron of Death-Rebirth, into which worn-out structures are collapsing, and into which we are invited to toss: all corruption, cruelty.
What shall we envision ladling out? Structures of supportive solace, effective Dedication to Collective Well-Being, irresistible eloquence on behalf of what we love, Metaphoric Agility, Democratic Animism…
May the hubris of humanism be humus for the truth of animism, that our rogue species may have the manners to humbly co-operate with Nature’s Guiding Genius, aka Trickster. Co-operators Are Standing By!
Marin Center - Exhibition Hall
10 Avenue of the Flags
San Rafael, CA
I am here in California, so far so good,
on way next to Big Island, connecting with long-time allies, human, mythological, Pragmatic Mystics, Visionary Activists,
some spaces are open, magnetizing the seriously fun beings for our Citizen Trickster Council of Democratic Animism..
And, thank you to so many wonderful beings who have wafted your tangible blessing of financial support for my healing journey. I have brought your many letters with donations with me, so that in moments of peace I can write thank you notes.
Without your generosity - well, never mind that yikes…pheweee...
With your generosity you are keeping my little boat afloat…as we all navigate the Underworld Ghost Rivers
The healing recombobulating, be both beginning & on-going…
and contributions will support me on this journey, and get me home on November 23rd…
Magnetizing enthused contributions of reciprocal blessings:
or send donations to
Caroline Casey
P.O. Box 94
Cabin John MD 20818
And at this time betwixt world, where we honor the ancestors, all grieving homage to Rep Elijah Cummings, a great protector of children and democracy, a man familiar with destiny and Reciprocal Blessing, who is handing us the baton of keeping democracy alive, and reminding us that we will all be dancing with the angels… and what shall we do now…
‘We are so much better than this.’ — In February, Chairman Elijah Cummings concluded the Michael Cohen hearing by applauding Cohen's bravery and urging the country to do better for the next generation. Cummings has died at 68. (NowThis Twitter)
California events, then off to Bali
Astrological Consultation Divination with Caroline Whereby to “Dree Your Weird” (aka “Play Your Role in Destiny”) at this Time of Dire Beauty.
The Compassionate Trickster
Experimental Juju Mystery School