Yo, everyone!
first responder trickster allies… Thank you to all who sent tangible blessing, via Paypal and check…
all forms of supportive woofiness be most welcome
Truly magic…
Super appreciated, an embrace of supportive solace, a mending of my craft, so that it be skookum!
Below is what I just sent to my Monday Night Trickster Council, whose doors are open
tonight to those who would like to cahoot.
Not performance. Magic. Casual… Invocative.
Equinoctial Dark o Moon Tele*Coyote
Trickster Training Council opens its audio doors
for all to join in an honoring of this Equinox.
Carolingian talk (with guest Micah Nilsson!),
and to and fro afterwards.
September 23rd · 9pm edt/6pm pdt
Join by Phone / Web Call / Web Player
(includes access to recording for download)
Dark o Moon Equinox!
Magic is a Willingness to Cooperate with Everything!
Aphrodite, Cupid, Zeus and Hermes
as Mercury hands the Baton to Venus today!
Am so delighted to welcome
to our cahooting council, our great ally
True Alquemist Plant Woman, Micah Nilsson,
that we all be
Conjuring an atmosphere conducive to Magic
-a willingness to cooperate with Everything.
Demeter and Persephone, Pharsalos bas-relief (5th c BCE)
So, remember the Elusynnian Mysteries,
celebrated now, all around the Autumnal Equinox,
were entheogenically enhanced so that everyone
saw Persephone, having descended a maiden,
returning as a bleeping Initiated Queen….Now!
available for collaborative animation...
let’s all cahoot
in animating that Vision,
in our own customized
liberating Trickster ways….
Resonant thematic hum:
Venus’ image is “Coal miners emerging
from a dark pit into the sunlight…
Breathing freely again.”
Venus rising over the Pacific Ocean (Brocken Inaglory)
And Venus is emerging from
the Underworld of Invisibility, as the evening star…
According to our latitude, visible in the gloaming*,
then higher and higher, visible until New Year’s Eve,
when she descends again.
So let’s avail ourselves of grace,
this precious time, our whole lives are art,
magnetizing that which we admire…
Cloaking ourselves in customized
Incarnational Metaphor
Inanna-Ishtar, Lewis Spence
On some level, each of us,
regardless of age, gender, etc….
has descended, lad and/or lassie-like,
to return Initiated,
including our human culture itself…
Tonight-let’s co-animate a festooned
(with entheogenic vines of participatory kinship,
and animals, peering out of the Dark,
distinct, yet unified consciousness)
Vision of Queen Nature herself returning,
with all accumulated fierce gentle protection
of life Trickster Wisdom-
to which we offer ourselves
in humble partnership, this night…
That our rogue species may re-join
the choreography of Creation…
an inviting hand is extended to us…
The Magic Circle, John William Waterhouse
but first proffers a cauldron:
into which we toss all
dementors of doom nefariousness
(that which has "lost the capacity to cooperate”)
(all customize)
and ladle out….
humans humbly cooperating
with Nature’s Guiding Genius (aka Trickster)
(also, fill in the blank… all tyrannical constraint,
ladle out liberating partnering with all,
Sufi Aikido)
The Sun quintiles Ceres Demeter,
proffering irresistible eloquence
to those partnering with her.
Also "the capacity to open portals."
Solstice at Karnak (Smithsonian)
* Gloaming, a fabulous word:
gloaming (n.)
Old English glomung "twilight, the fall of evening,"
...from glom "twilight," which is related to glowan "to glow"
(hence "glow of sunrise or sunset"), from Proto-Germanic *glo- (see glow (v.)).
Fell from currency except in Yorkshire dialect, but preserved in Scotland
and reintroduced by Burns and other Scottish writers after 1785.
(Online Etymology Dictionary)
Upcoming Carolingian Events
Thursday, October 17th · 7:00 pm
with Amikaeyla Gaston
“We have all been close to Death Re-Woofing Tour"
$25 advance, $30 Day of and Door
reservations recommended (415) 457-4191
Open Secret · 923 C Street, San Rafael, CA 94901
Sufi Aikido Trickster Guide
to Redemptive Underworld Magic
Friday, October 18th · 9:00 pm
Marin Civic Center
free to all
also with Amikaeyla Gaston and crew
Marin Center Exhibition Hall
10 Avenue of the Flags
San Rafael, CA
Visionary Activist Astrologer Caroline Casey
Quantum Astrologer Rick Levine
An 8-Day immersion in Beautiful Bali, Indonesia
November 8 -16, 2019
Donations of Woofiness:
(PayPal also has Debit/Credit guest checkout options)