Participatory Snake Medicine
Saturn stationing*Equinoctial Mythic News*
Carolingian schedule
Saturn (NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute (Cassini))
Yo Ally agents of Liberating Trickster,
Micro to Macro…
Each of us in customized Underworld Journey,
to brew Magic Medicine for all beings…
(see below Bioneers description for fuller skinny)
We are being cooked down to our authenticity….
(Well, in that direction)
Saturn is stationing direct today:
each of us with a scheduled deep inward appointment with ourselves.
We fathom our dedication, and tis the dedication that guides the unfurling of this next chapter’s path….. Moving from inward to outward…
So more than perfect and darkly encouragingly witty - today is my last (scheduled, knock on wood, humbled into flexibility) chemo.
Snake Medicine number 4 finale - cultivating poisonous allies.
Workin’ it. For the Team.
Singamukha - Lion-faced Dakini (clearing obstacles of the most pervasive and malignant kind)
Inviting us all to see the Wrathful Dakini Sufi Aikido Spiraling Snake Dancers in my body, in all of our bodies, in all parts of our lives, in the collective body
swooshing the dementor ill-mannered chaos cells -
into the Plutonic Cauldron.
(My infusion is pretty much all day today, in a magic receiving dance with everything mode.)
Remembering that the chief characteristic of cancer cells is that they have lost the capacity to cooperate, and have no respect for boundaries.
Hmmm…might we see this as a primary metaphor in the world…
So, with snake Medicine magic, let’s see these cells as yearning for the cauldron of annihilation, to be liberated re-born as cooperative citizens
("to regenerate the forests”
an ally on a related journey suggests.)
Snake Goddess from the palace at Knossos, c. 1600 B.C.E.
Many of you cahooted in my last two infusions, sending financial contributions as tangible super needed and appreciated blessing…
And it really really helped, in all realms.
Appreciative Yip-Yipping…
And today would be grand as well!
A Current of Green to keep my small boat afloat in the Underworld Ghost River.
I am finishing a very long course of (“complementary” everything is sacred magic) treatment, and now the healing come-back from the edge. Tis a long worthy journey, not without beauty, completely pertinent.
And absolutely supportive solace and woofy well-wishing be welcome.
PayPal (button above
(PayPal also has Debit/Credit guest checkout options)
Checks can be sent to
Caroline Casey
P.O. box 94
Cabin John, MD 20818
Pluto (NASA/Johns Hopkins University APL/Southwest Research Institute/Alex Parker 2015)
Plutonic Mysteries (Pluto-Saturn sextile Neptune)
We are all assigned the task of metaphorically cooperating
with our circumstance.
Metaphors, being the incarnational garb whereby power enters the world, they are especially eager to be invited into incarnational actuality.
Just for fun, a little Nietzsche:
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”
Wild men and woman dancing in the forest with mythical beasts (Swiss tapestry c. 1450)
(and in the same manner… "Hi there!"
Trickster aspires to a jaunty relationship with the abyss…)
(and the shadow dancing to not become what we oppose…)
Let Our Craft be our Craft,
our little boat that keeps us jauntily afloat.
Saturn be also metaphorically our tiller on our craft as we prepare to hoist our sails for the Equinoctial Winds.
So, on September 23rd, Sun enters Libra, dynamic climate action, UAW strike… so much brewing with which to cahoot…
Trickster Training Council opens its audio doors
for all to join in an honoring of this Equinox.
Carolingian talk, and to and fro afterwards.
Monday, September 23rd · 9pm edt/6pm pdt
(also received as infusing blessing)
illustration by Gervasio Troche
I will be at Open Secret
in San Rafael, California
Thursday, October 17th · 7:00 pm
with Amikaeyla Gaston
on our
“We have all been close to Death Re-Woofing Tour"
$25 advance, $30 Day of and Door
reservations recommended
(415) 457-4191
Open Secret · 923 C Street, San Rafael, CA 94901
Sufi Aikido Trickster Guide
to Redemptive Underworld Magic
Friday, October 18th · 9:00 pm
Marin Civic Center
free to all
also with Amikaeyla Gaston and crew
Marin Center Exhibition Hall
10 Avenue of the Flags
San Rafael, CA
an evening of astro*mytho*politico*guiding *meta-story
By Cultivating a camaraderie of jaunty aplomb in dangerous times, we out-enthuse the dementors… and swoosh all reactive polarity into responsive liberating spirals. We have all been assigned a customized cauldron of Death-Rebirth, into which worn-out structures are collapsing, and into which we are invited to toss: all corruption, cruelty.
What shall we envision ladling out?
Structures of supportive solace, effective Dedication to Collective Well-Being, irresistible eloquence on behalf of what we love, Metaphoric Agility, Democratic Animism…
May the hubris of humanism be humus for the truth of animism, that our rogue species may have the manners to humbly co-operate with Nature’s Guiding Genius, aka Trickster. Co-operators Are Standing By!
Then on to Kealekekua, Hawaii for healing
Then on to Bali, all auguries auspicious,
and spaces are still available
Pragmatic Mysticism
Applied Divination
Astrology as a living guide to being ever better
players on the Team of Creation
Visionary Activist Astrologer Caroline Casey
Quantum Astrologer Rick Levine
An 8-Day immersion in Beautiful Bali, Indonesia
at fabulous Rahasia Manis (pictured above)
November 8 -16, 2019
You are invited to a dance on the edge of time.
Mauna Kea from the ocean (photo: Vadim Kurland)
and our allies on Mauna Kea proffer:
How we prepare: Hawaiian Protector, Kaho’okahi Kanuha
(for love of land - Aloha ‘Aina):
"These hard times are when we grow most. We are not challenged as much when things are easy.
We know the best swimmers test their skill in rough waters. It’s not the calm waters that make us strong. Charging the rough waters together will make us stronger.”
Forging alliances of supportive solace - thus
"We will all be stronger for what is yet to come."
Carolingian Snake Medicine Chart of Today
Do note the degree rising is the
"root out all corruption degree…” That’s thematically cool.
The Moon is at 14+ Taurus
(Same as Equinox MidHeaven in DC),
whose Sabian is:
"A Stranger Walks Into Town in the Midst of a Wild Windstorm, wearing a silk top hat, carrying a large black bag- Doctor-Magician Medicine Woman in Cahoots with Nature.” Woo-hoo!
Just for fun - update - when infusion began this morning.
The ascendant is my MC. Auspicious.
Poisonous allies Snake Medicine.
Checks (or anything else
one may feel moved to contribute)
may be sent to
Caroline Casey
P.O. box 94
Cabin John, MD 20818
Appreciative Yip-Yip for all contributions in all forms
Autumnal Equinox Chart
We shall honor and animate the guiding narrative of this beautifully heartening sky-earth story,
whereby to protect as much life as possible.
large spiral galaxy NGC 1232 in constellation Eridanus (The River) credit European Southern Observatory