Micro-to Macro- everywhere- we are all in this dream together….
I am on a big medical adventure (Pluto transits), that began (well, who knows, really, but we’ll say) with surgery last March.
The way I chose to frame the narrative to my Monday night Trickster Council is, “I have been diagnosed with inappropriately enthusiastic cells - So my task is to out-enthuse them.
And my Lady Parts have gone to Spirit World.."
But wait - there’s more! Rogue cells - discerned as some "out of the bag”…So mega daunting protocol of radiation*chemo (completed- woo-hoo)…followed by more intensive chemo…Now! with full complementary, great allies, medicinal mushrooms, acupuncture, cannabis, essential oils and more! Everything in a syncretic brew.
As Wise herbalist ally, Karyn Sanders says, “I tell all of my chemo-radiation friends, "put your prayers into those Medicines, make them Holy."
The primary characteristic of these inappropriately enthusiastic cells, is a lack of respect for boundaries and a lack of dedication to collective well-being…
This be a theme everywhere…
So I am not engaging the “battle" metaphor. (So and so, “lost their battle..” All battles are lost)
But spiraling,
and that Redemption lies in Brewing Medicine for Others…
So when I had 5 weeks of radiation 5 days a week, with chemo on days 1 and 29,
I would visualize Sufi Aikido Snake Dancers, liberating rogue cells into the Cauldron of Annihilation, in my body,
and the body politic…!
A valiant friend on a related journey said, "let’s see these rogue dementor cells transformed in the Cauldron into the energy to re-generate the forests…” All for it…
I invite all of us to animate this Vision…That we are all brewing Medicine...
And, more than perfectly, at exact mid-season, chart below, is my 2nd dose of big chemo, round two! (of 4 - every 21 days)...
I am willing to magnetize money magic - to see me through these next few months - so I can get all the good out of this adventure…doing the work, brewing Trickster Medicine for us all in the Underworld.
Tis another full time job, really…Or full time dance, whose choreography is of on-going work alternating with the necessity of deep oceanic rest…
So am priming the pump that the Lammas Snake Medicine, suffusing my being, be a Neptunian conduit for supportive blessings…
That’s the what
Here’s the how
I am offering 13 readings for the fee of $280...
But here’s the kindness catch… You purchase now - to keep Caroline’s boat afloat in the Underworld -
and we immediately say hi, but don’t schedule you till December…(maybe sooner)….