Etruscan Dancing, painting from the Grotta del Triclinio, Corneto
Yo fellow incarnationally coinciding allies,
All in this
ourselves back into the Choreography of Creation
May it be
We want everyone magnetized animated, and supported -
so that we “dree our weird!” (Play our role in Destiny!)
with Jaunty
Trickster aplomb!
Myriad forms
of cahooting unfurling before us all...
readings, now booking into June and July, and gotta say, am doing my most dedicated jauntifying work thus far…
We convene the full council of you.
Astrology is
an exquisite language of our interior psyche, and its separation by a thin membrane (we call identity) from the whole big Dream.
- all in cahoots.
Whatever we
do for ourselves grants us the spiritual muscle tone to do that in and for the world...
Astrological Consultation Divination for All:
Taurus and Gemini Bargains:
For anyone with Sun, Moon, or Rising in Taurus
10 available readings for the bargain rate of $280
For anyone with Sun, Moon, or Rising in Gemini
10 available readings for bargain rate $280
Step right up!
Taurus and Gemini constellations (photos: Till Credner)
Mythic News of Now!
(an example of our Trickster Training Monday Night themes that we animate)
Neptune (Voyager 2, NASA/JPL)
Neptune be stationing
exact (retrograde) on Summer Solstice
What we court now -
is what we marry then…
Dreams, Vision, Imagination, Kinship with the Ocean,
all invite us to the task of metaphorically co-operating with our customized circumstance….
squaring the New Moon of Cultural Influence in Gemini
and Jupiter (inward dedication magnetizes outward opportunity!)
Everything is con-versing.
We are all in this dream together… Call and response time...
Let’s plight our troth to being effective messengers and story-tellers for what we love…
Let’s see impedimental barriers to sane reverence - dissolving…
As Mars conjoins the US Sun, and conjoins Islam’s Venus.
(for they be the same)
Tis Soulful Sufic Arabesque Aikido Spiraling Time to Protect*Reverence*all*life*as*kin.
We can hum into group mind, a call to return to the harmonious Choreography of Creation...
Whatever We love - we are its agent, in the human court, to form a trickster alliance for reciprocal blessing
How shall we become more like what we love, to protect what we love… we wonder…
Neptune recommends we run on the fuel of wonder, whose mudra, arms in a graceful curve up, turning our bodies into beseeching, magnetizing chalice of inquiry…
that attracts liberating guiding response.
that we be dedicated agents
of Liberating Trickster…
Female Figure, ca. 3500-3400 B.C.E. Terracotta & pigment, Egyptian (Brooklyn Museum)
May we be safe, protected, spiraling out of harm's way, defusing tense situations. Influential. Tis all one related story-dream, that we have out-sourced leadership to sociopathic monstrosities that feed on cruelty.
The dementors of doom thrive on conflict, fill collective mind with vituperative polarity, invite the worst of humans to mob mind..
So, let's keep on inviting the best in each other,
affirm dedication to collective well-being, common cause, watching out for each other, stepping in..
The Nathaniel B. Palmer breaking through sea ice during its southward transit toward Thwaites Glacier.
Cultivating Sufi Aikido Trickster moves of being agents of cool response in hot reactive world.
Animating the Guiding story.
High John the Conqueror - the great Trickster Redeemer folk hero of the South, said the heroism of the oppressed is to liberate the entire circumstance.
Blessings Abounding!
Caroline W. Casey
Photo of Caroline amongst flowers: Mud Baron
Kismet Kitty & Ouija Board