“Horoscope of Prince Iskander" Zodiac c 1384
Yo Team,
Gonna take Magic:
Trickster’s astro*mytho*politico guiding narrative
(be an on-going self-cultivating meme I am spiraling into memosphere)
It’s wheel and deal time with all beings.
Bartering back-stage for onstage miracles.
Let all that we love be our accomplices in a spiral
of protective Reciprocal Blessing!
Science says 12 years (to redress complicitous climate crisis).
Astrology says 7 years…
This precious urgent now of Uranus,
(Nature’s evolutionary genius, aka liberating “Trickster")
journeying through Taurus from March 6th, 2019 until April 27th 2026.
Taurus is the sensual animistic realm of participatory kinship,
magnetizing humans to rejoin the choreography of creation.
Co-Operators are standing by!
And our now - leads us to the Buddha’s Full Moon May 18th/19th no matter where we are…
this is an opportune time for deep collaborative magic, that I will be delineating on tomorrow’s Sunday’s zoom session with Banafsheh, to whose Sufi ecstatic dance retreat, I will be contributing…
So we are magnetizing those with whom this resonates, to join us in Turkey….
And…for everyone this is a useful time to pre-dedicate, form working alliances with what we love:
to protect water, become like water,
to protect wolves, become more like wolves…
Let all Natural Facts be social strategy metaphors:
The spiral is Nature’s way of resolving conflict,
associated with the number 5 and hence Venus
(Venus forms a 5 petaled orbital design over 8 years)…
So tis grand to tease this into our repertoire of responses,
linguistic Aikido, as well as of course,
To spiral dance is a way of participating in Divine on-going-creating (The Aramaic word for the Divine is “Abwoun,” that Neil Douglas Klotz says can best be defined as “O Father-Mother-On-Going Birthing-Creating”)..
Calling in, through the beautiful music of aspirational yearning, whatever is needed to heal our species manners.
Image below: Banafsheh performing Dance of Oneness
(and recording available afterwards, if you let us know you would like such...)
and/or Trickster Training (The Compassionate Trickster Experimental Juju Mystery
School convening weekly on Mondays)
and/or customized astrological readings, in which the Big Dance will be
teased into customized pertinence
(join us on patreon for more romping and
in all of the above we will continue to craft our dedication:
that humans humbly cooperate with Natures Guiding Genius…
Egyptian Ship of the Punt Expedition. About 1600 b.c. From Dêr-Bahari
from book: Ancient and Modern Ships by Sir George C. V. Holmes 1906
William McDonough always asks his audience,
"the ship crossing the Ocean - Who’s in charge?"
People shout, “the Captain.”
“No,” he says, “the designer is in charge.
And all the evolutionary environmental challenges we face are all design issues.”
Venus, the designer, presider over this 7 year period,
and this May Buddha’s Full Moon,
resonates the artist within us all.
Venus says - art is the means whereby power enters the world through dedicated acts of Beauty…
The magnetism of Beauty is stronger, in the long run, than the tantrum yoga of tyranny….
Let us dedicate to being agents of liberating response in a hot reactive world, by cultivating the capacity of spiraling out of polarity…
Spirit-Ancestral back-stage, Green Room, will support whatever we practice.
(Chart of Full Moon below, that I will “animate” - speak its soul - tomorrow, and fun for those who already know the language.)
Reminder: Dance of Oneness® Webinar:
Overview of Awaken Radiant Beauty
Retreat in Turkey (May 17-24)
Sunday, February 24
10-11am PDT on Zoom
This is a friendly reminder to join Caroline Casey and myself to learn more about the constellations of our retreat in Turkey. I will give an overview including details about our sessions, the location and theme of our retreat. Caroline, our Visionary Astrologer extraordinaire will address the astrological forecast of the week, which coincides with the Buddha full moon! She says with the full moon
in Taurus/Scorpio, it will be a powerful time for invocation and calling in magic and possibility. It represents the invisible incarnating into the sensual which is perfect for our dance of uniting the sacred with the sensual.
Can’t wait to see you! 😍
Use iPhone one-tap :
US: +16699006833,,623443435# or +16465588656,,623443435#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 623 443 435
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/a8AHBjBFP
Mythic News:
This is the Buddha’s Full Moon, when the Buddha was born, and when he attained enlightenment with his back pressed against the Bodhi Tree.
No one gets enlightened - without trees!
The Sun in sensual incarnational Taurus
is opposite the Moon in Scorpio,
sizzly spicy realm of all that is invisible,
whose image is "retrieving from the Faery World,
what wants to enter"…
Dedicated acts of beauty invite power into the world
bringing that template alive…
She sextiles Pluto, Saturn, who trine the Sun…
Deep pragmatic mysticism,
whereby to navigate 2020’s Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn conjunction.
Earliest image for Capricorn, is "the Council of Mavens,
crafting the structures of human governance,
in accord with Nature, dedicated to collective well-being."
This is it - team,
the time for which we were born,
to contribute our gifts, known and unknown,
to dream, dance, craft the desirable world into being...
Image: A multi-ringed neolithic motif in Ireland
photo by Aron David Mazel and Myra J Glesen
Upcoming Events:
April 26-28 2019
San Mateo Event Center
1346 Saratoga Drive
San Mateo, California
at which time Caroline will be presenting:
Gonna take Magic:
Trickster’s Guide to Pragmatic Mysticism,
Applied Divination & Democratic Animism,
the astro*mytho*politico story strategy for now
It’s wheel and deal time with all beings. Bartering back-stage for onstage miracles.
Let all that we love be our accomplices in a spiral of protective Reciprocal Blessing ~
magnetizing humans to rejoin the choreography of creation.
Co-Operators are standing by!
NCGR Conference 2019
August 30th, 2019 – September 3rd, 2019
Baltimore, Maryland
Caroline's talk will be delivered Sunday 4:15pm – 5:30pm
and is entitled:
Liberating Ritual Magic, Pragmatic Mysticism,
Applied Divination
And more overseas trips to participate in magic and molecular reality...
details coming soon!
Caroline in Hampi, India 2018 (via witty Photographer ally Jean Folgelberg)
Whereby to “Dree Your Weird” (aka “Play Your Role in Destiny”) at this Time of Dire Beauty.
1 reading for $350 · 4 pack/$1000
22 years of Liberating Radio Hi-Jinx · Every Thursday 2pm p / 5pm e
Patreon: $4/month for Weekly Radio Chart & Themes
Join Trickster Training for a season! (or in perpetuity!)
Trickster Training Council membership includes:
- Monday Councils, with chart and themes (& recordings of all previous tele*coyotes)
- Secret Facebook Page for cahooting with the council
- All of Caroline’s archives of recorded talks including Bioneers, Solstice and Equinox celebrations
- Making the Gods Work for You audio book and The Visionary Activist 9 hour long series
- Weekly Radio Chart and Themes
- First to get access to new and ancient recordings and new adventures!
$200 / 3 Month Membership Trickster Training Council