Harmonia macrocosmica Andreas Cellarius 1660
We are all in this Dream together.
Let’s honor the guiding meta-story that resonates within us all…
Just as we have endogenous receptors for cannabis and dmt, so we have endogenous mythological receptors.
Astrology is the exquisite language of our interior psyche, and its resonance through a thin membrane (we experience as identity) with the choreography of creation.
"Magic is a willingness to cooperate with everything."
(not condone, but spiral)
Homo Zodiacus 'Guild Book of the Barber Surgeons of York' 15th c.
as we dedicate to being agents of liberating Trickster,
reaching into our bag of lightning,
to sizzle towards any polarity kerfuffle, releasing into a spiral of accord...
We love Mercury having snapped his fingers, “wait must go back to retrieve the Neptunian message,”
the Sabian being “Rich and poor alike pour out onto rain-drenched streets in a joyous re-birth celebration.”
Direct on the 28th...
Mercury Hermes painting creator heretofore unknown
Here be a portion of what I sent to my Monday Night Tricksters:
Cultivating Being Jaunty
(which is fed by composting personal and collective dread,
a great nutrient for yea! life!…)
Inviting us all to do our part, seeing us all, tossing anything between us and our desirable Liberating Trickster selves into the Cauldron,
ladling out our the vitality of our customized, syncretized Trickster selves…
Magic is everywhere, and we are increasingly tuned to its resonance…
The glorious Equinoctial Full Moon was clear in it directive
to not so much “attack” the bad -
But increase the good!
In all realms…
I am embarking on a Plutonian Medical adventure today,
with a Uranus Grand Trine as the reward…
hence maintaining jauntiness,
and the fluctuating future fields re scheduling…
(see schedule below..
New Living Expo —hmmm...maybe?
Turkey - yes!)
I Ching be in witty accord,
and in rippling resonance with us all,
how we navigate the personal and the political collective:
I Ching (Stephen Karcher’s "Total I Ching")
“Connection to the spirits is necessary to any great endeavor, and dissension, conflict or disloyalty blocks it…
rather than arguing - take an oath… express viewpoint without escalating conflict. Staying balanced will generate meaning and good fortune by releasing transformative energy… release plans…
Something new is being prepared. Stay inside your group. You are connected to the spirits and they will carry you through. Don't be afraid. By staying in the center you will encounter what is strong and solid…arouse people’s desire to aid and serve. Work through subtle penetration. This involves fate.”
6 in 1st: “Brightening discrimination… Bow out and gracefully leave conflict. Be done with the trivial.
Proceed step by step. Find supportive friends. Gather energy for a decisive new move.”
Durga Tiger Mandala by Sue Halstenberg (Etsy)
Changing to 10:
“Treading/Mating with the Tiger
Joyous Dancer mates with spirit...
waking the earth to open the fields in Spring…
birth of great souls with spiritual destinies..
Treading is the figure of the Joyous Dancer, the Young Ancestress Wu, who goes out to the Mountain Shrine to mate with Tiger Spirit and Sky. She calls the spirit down. She is an Intermediary, a person who can make the invisible visible, who dances to call down the bright spirits into her body, a skilled technician of the sacred.
She exorcises demons and prays for blessings: long life, wealth, health, fertility and the power and virtue that enables a life lived according to ming, the Mandate from Heaven that she carries.”
"….step by step…
You are walking in the tracks of a tiger, a powerful and dangerous being. If you are careful, this being will give you what you need to exist and frighten off what is trying to harm you. Speak with it and partake of its power and Intelligence. Don’t do anything to make it bite you. You can’t afford to sneer and scold.
This is pleasing to the spirits. Through it they will give you access, effective power and the capacity to bring the situation to maturity….”
“Outward struggle met by cheerful self-expression. Heaven is above, the mists are below.
Find supportive people. Everyone must amass enough to live on.”…
“You are walking with highest power. Don’t be dis-heartened.”
and a contribution of beauty and wonder from:
Northern California, May 1968. Photo by Thomas Merton
"When he stepped off the plane in Eureka, Sister Leslie complimented him on his beret. They bought a couple cans of beer and hit the road, driving south along the Eel River. From his
view in the passenger seat, he took in the passing world. Everything from the big ferns at the base of the trees, the dense undergrowth, the long enormous shafts towering endlessly in shadow penetrated here and there by light.… The worshipful cold spring light on the sandbanks of Eel River, the immense silent redwoods.
Like a cathedral, he wrote.”
… “Before he left, he photographed Needle Rock. The great Yang-Yin of sea rock mist, diffused light and half hidden mountain … an interior landscape, yet there. In other words, what is written within me is there. ‘Thou art that.’”
Woofy Well-Wishing of Wealth be Welcome
feel encouraged to send wealth
in whatever manner is resonant,
blessings, money, general yip-yip!
(or find our donate button on the homepage
May Reciprocal Blessing Abound!
More soon later at perfect time!
~ Limited quantities ~
° Please note:
we will be scheduling these readings
for soonest times in May-June-beyond °
Sun, Moon, or Rising in Pisces or Aries —
a grand deal of $230 / reading
Limited Quanity: 10
for 5 people (of any astro signs),
the usual 4 pack, becomes the grand deal
of a 5 pack for $1,000
(may be used for multiple people
in your circle at your behest)
Limited Quantity: 5
Upcoming Events:
(maybe New Living Expo...
fluctuating future field)
April 26-28 2019
San Mateo, California
at which time Caroline will (maybe) be presenting:
Gonna take Magic:
Trickster’s Guide to Pragmatic Mysticism,
Applied Divination & Democratic Animism,
the astro*mytho*politico story strategy for now
It’s wheel and deal time with all beings. Bartering back-stage for onstage miracles. Let all that we love be our accomplices in a spiral of protective Reciprocal Blessing... magnetizing humans to rejoin the choreography of creation. Co-Operators are standing by!
Caroline in Turkey, whirling with Banafsheh (2018, where we shall return for 2019) photo Sharon Douglas
Women’s Retreat in Yalova, Turkey
May 17, 2019 – May 24, 2019 · $1950 + airfare
(*Mention Coyote Network News / Caroline Casey in registration*)
I am co-cahooting once again
with Fantabulous Sufic Dance ally, Banafsheh,
contributing the astro*mythic guiding meta-story
to 8 days of dancing in Turkey (with hot and cool springs!)
Watch introduction video and see more details
Warm spring and Cool spring pools at beautiful Limak Hotel
NCGR Conference 2019
August 30th, 2019 – September 3rd, 2019
Baltimore, Maryland
Caroline’s talk will be delivered
Sunday 4:15pm – 5:30pm
and is entitled:
Liberating Ritual Magic, Pragmatic Mysticism,
Applied Divination
Friday, October 18, 2019
San Rafael, CA
Caroline will be presenting the Astro*Mytho story,
comme d’habitude, at Bioneers
Visionary Activist Astrologer Caroline Casey
Quantum Astrologer Rick Levine
An 8-Day immersion in Beautiful Bali, Indonesia
at fabulous Rahasia Manis
November 8 -16, 2019
You are invited to a dance on the edge of time.
Caroline Casey and Rick Levine are collaborating to convene a week-long astro-mythic council in which to cultivate, animate and spiral forth our considerable gifts at this time of Dire Beauty.
Rick and Caroline will teach the astrological language, brought alive with folk tale, spiritual teachings and practices, myth, metaphor, insights from modern psychology, and ancient Mystery Schools.
The group convenes at True Halloween (November 8), the exact mid-season when the invisible is especially enthused to be invited into the three-dimensional world. A Full Moon blessing by the priest at a local temple, an excursion to a sacred waterfall, and other excursions will be included to fully engage the magic of Bali.
The enchanting, mystical energy of this island paradise is the perfect backdrop for our journey from the hidden inner dimensions to the distant reaches of the stars.
What better place for such cosmic cavorting than in Bali,
the land of living animism!
All who resonate are welcome — from beginners to professionals.
Rick & Caroline’s unique approach ensures that no beginner will be left behind.
Woof Note: Rescheduling All Allies on the books
until somewhere around April 16th …
Scheduling@CoyoteNetworkNews.com will be in contact
with future windows of time
(scheduling happens at Perfect time!)
Thank you for your flexibility in this quirky field / time
at this Time of Dire Beauty.
1 reading for $350 · 4 pack/$1000
(We also had the pleasure of adding Dana Ullman
to our Trickster Council last week
for a one night guest spot of delving into homeopathy
and micro-macro relations…)
Consider joining the council for replays and future play:
Trickster Training Council membership includes:
··Monday Councils, with chart and themes
(& recordings of all previous tele*coyotes)
··Secret Facebook Page for cahooting with the council
··All of Caroline’s archives of recorded talks including
Bioneers, Solstice and Equinox celebrations
··Making the Gods Work for You audio book
and The Visionary Activist 9 hour long series
··Weekly Radio Chart and Themes
··First to get access to new and ancient recordings
and new adventures!
$200 / 3 Month Membership Trickster Training Council