La Lomita * Brigid Day * True Candlemas * New Moon Monday * Chinese New Year * State of the Union
to us all
La Lomita is the tiny chapel, a beacon of peaceful tranquility, built in 1899 on the Rio Grande border of Mexico, next to the butterfly sanctuary — both under Trumpian threat by the delusional wall…
But they are suing under freedom of religion, spirituality and decency really… Worthy of well-wishing at this time of magic potency. Placing a picture on our Candlemas altars. That tranquility and butterflies may prevail against destruction, walls, cruel
Brigid’s Day, and True Candlemas, exact mid-Winter, is called one of the four gates of power, where the Intelligence of the Season is especially eager to be invited into incarnational actuality.
This New Moon on Monday, which is exact mid-season is available for us to animate, tis when Ishtar, Inanna, Persephone (all the mythic animations of creatively dancing with Nature) lights her candle and begins ascending from the Underworld - and we with her.
(and we will be hosting a special Imbolc Trickster Council with Micah Nilsson, see below for more details ... )
Images: La Lomita - The Cowboy Priest, Father Roy Snipes conducts a pre-dawn service, while his dog, Charlotte, waits outside. Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times
Magnetizing Wonderful Women
Willing to Spiral Blessings into Group Mind
To dance, to dream the desirable world into being, to create portals of collaborative cahoots, whereby to spiral blessings into the Memosphere on this Buddha’s Full Moon (on May 19th)
Yanomani: one word for dance and ritual…
Last year I cahooted with Banafsheh at this glorious hot springs hotel and Sufi Dance Hall in the village, contributing astro*mytho guiding frame, and councils wafting betwixt really great dance classes - a delight of unfurling - aaah - with fantabulous
music. Glorious good magic.
Fantabulous setting (Hotel was Attaturk’s Summer Palace.) (Many pools, steam room. If we have 40 women - we will have the whole hotel, and can do some of our dancing in the warm pools)
May 17-24
Retreat for Women Only in Yalova, Turkey
Early Bird Rate Ends Today (February 1)!
($200 discount)
* * When you sign up be sure to note that you are an ally of Caroline Casey! * *
Watch a video of the retreat with last year's wonderful group:
"An amazing and inspiring journey for the body and soul..."
Esther Oester, Call to Love, Turkey 2018
From Banafsheh:
"Come dance with me if you are wildly inspired to surrender your head, heart, and body to the great mystery to be remade into your luscious, empowered, holy sensual self as a priestess of love, living the love-making with the Beloved to birth the new.
Dance, whirl, chant, mediate, stretch, soak in the healing natural hot springs in beautiful surroundings with a community of soulful women of all ages. Draw inspiration from the wild wise tales of visionary astrologer Caroline Casey. Nourish your soul with Sufi teachings. Nourish your body with exceptional Turkish cuisine and on-site Turkish baths. Last chance to early bird rates. Be sure to make your
reservation before the rate goes up by $200."
Imbolc ° Trickster Training Council ° Invitation to All
This Monday's Trickster Training will be a special council
to celebrate Imbolc / True Candlemas
at Mid-Winter, when all the exiled deities
of liberating collaboration with Nature light their candles,
and begin ascending up from the Underworld – and we with them…
True Candlemas will be February 4th, our Monday
Trickster Training Council, when our council mate, Micah Nilsson
will be proffering her deep knowledge of Brigid, Healing Herbs
and emerging from Underworld… Dandelions held on high!
$23 / Live Council, Chart, Themes, and Recording
Saint Brigid
From Micah:
"This week marks the ancient Celtic time of Imbolc, the festival marking the midpoint between the winter Solstice and spring Equinox. Catholics celebrate the feast of St. Brigid during this time, which connects back to the more ancient dedication of Imbolc to the goddess Brigid.
Candlemas, too, falls in this week, and as a celebration of the purification of the Virgin Mary; this, too relates to Brigid as the ruler of both purity and fertility."
Or Join Trickster Training for a season!
Trickster Training Council membership includes:
- Monday Councils, with chart and themes (& recordings of all previous tele*coyotes)
- Secret Facebook Page for cahooting with the council
- All of Caroline’s archives of recorded talks including Bioneers, Solstice and Equinox celebrations
- Making the Gods Work for You audio book and The Visionary Activist 9 hour long series
- Weekly Radio Chart and Themes
- First to get access to new recordings and new adventures!
$200 / 3 Month Membership Trickster Training Council