Those who rise, (or stay up) before dawn
New Year’s Day - will see a glorious rising
in the South-West, of the Moon and Venus,
in the sizzly Scorpionic realms of
“dangerous -in a good way!"
The Sun and Saturn are aligned (sextile)
betwixt this Moon and Venus on one side,
and Neptune on the other…
= The deeper our dedications - the more likely
they are to incarnate…
We may say what we have before us “is hard.”
Saturn whispers back the quip: “harder not to…”
This night, the ancestors who embodied
soulful kinship, are standing by -
This New Years' threshold
makes John Muir's words available
for incarnational actuality:
"More and more, in a place like this,
we feel ourselves part of wild Nature,
kin to everything.”
"When we try to pick out anything by itself,
we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.
One fancies a heart like our own must be beating
in every crystal and cell, and we feel like stopping
to speak to the plants and animals as friendly
fellow mountaineers.”