Animating the Disciplined Wild Beautiful Trickster Genius, within us all and without...
= On-going dedication - tonight, (focused specificity) and in vast perpetuity...
in myriad micro and macro
Wolf Song by H. Kyoht
Luterman * Tonight’s Trickster Training Council, while the Moon is waxing to full, opens its
doors wide (via phone and web audio),
that we may honor the generous magic being proffered to us by Flora
to be voiced by the astro*mytho*politic narrative of now (via Caroline
(with time and opportunity at the end for people to chime in with query, conundrum, blessing, if so
Let’s cahoot at 6 pm pdt/9 pm edt for $23
and should your decide to join our on-going council, allying with Citizen Trickster, to be effective social change agents…
twill be deducted from usual tuition of $200 for 3 months!
(cheaper than not enrolling! Step right up!) Full Moon magic, that we may spiral into Group mind, liberating tolerance and Nature’s guiding
wisdom… Whatever we do (autonomy is a sacrament) tis a grand time now - today, this evening, when dedicated acts of Beauty magnetize/ invite Power into the world to animate our proffered templates…
Dion Fortune suggests a humble vase of flowers, and/or an Autumnal altar, to invite true Isis - goddess of Nature back into the world...
A Vase of Flowers ~ Justus van Huysum and - the return of Zodiacal deals: To honor the Dire Beauty of Now, and encourage us all to cultivate/animate our unique coherent Genius,
Offering 10 (only) readings to anyone with
for $230
(High Priestess, Empress, Fool)
discounted from usual $350, for everyone else - but still completely worth it, am doing my best one on one
readings ever…
"no brag just fact,” as Brer Rabbit would say.
we have soon appointment offerings!)
Libra from 'The book of birth of Iskandar" Equinoctial Full Moon dredging all toxic faux Mars crimes against Venus into the light,
that Venus and Mars may spiral into dynamic accord, within each one of us, on out into the memosphere…. Tonight’s Equinoctial Harvest Full Moon is in Libra-Aries - the Realms of Venus and Mars (Yum! and Woof!)
whose Sabian Symbols are specifically about Cultural influence (The Moon in Aries is about “dreeing our weird,” “playing our role in Destiny.”
Animating the Soul of America. The Sun’s image is “Dawn of a New Day reveals everything changed…Starting over.The transition points where certain conditions must give way to a
new order,” in alignment with Nature’s guiding wisdom. Rude awakenings, danger as incentive for creative strategy...
The Trickster
Divine is making reality really obvious in simple symbolism, to try and help the humans.. to cultivate Conscious Kinship whereby to rejoin the Choreography of Creation Below, are many astro*charts, that our council will be delineating tonight
* The SCOTUS - SCROTUS - hearings (astro*chart below for Thursday Sept. 27th 10 am in Capitol)
(SCROTUS - "so called
ruler of the United States….” is also a moniker for Trump)
We direct our attention to: and just for the fun of it: and tonight’s Trickster Training chart: and stay tuned for Caroline’s California schedule:
Open Secret in San Rafael October 18th
and Bioneers presentation October 19th
More soon later Caroline W. Casey Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!