Ladle Beauty out of the Grief Cauldron.
Let's keep dreaming team:
“The protoplasm of reality is especially receptive to imaginative imprint now.”
(Jupiter, Mars, Moon trine Neptune...)
“Imagination lays the tracks for the reality train.”
So, we craft the desirable world, back-stage, and our role in it.
What serious fun. Who brought what? We know it or we know who knows it (within 5 Venusian degrees of separation.)
When back-stage has sufficient organized incarnational vitality, we’ll pull the switch on the tracks that the desirable world assumes energetic leadership… Humans, once again humbly co-operating with Nature's guiding genius (aka Uranus - dipping into Taurus this year, heralding a great stirring of all living things - yearning to re-combobulate into designed dynamic accord.)
(Ask Nature:
Astrology is a most beautiful language of our
interior psyche and its relationship to the whole larger pulsing dream, one of the most exquisite guides to self-cultivation, whereby each of us is honored and encouraged as a much needed unique experiment - to cultivate and craft our considerable gifts and contribute them to the community (of all beings) in a manner of replenishing reciprocal blessing...
Encouraging signing up for this zoom video cahoot: