Trickster’s Guide to Navigating the Wild, Rising Tide of 2018

Published: Thu, 01/11/18

Yo Team of increasingly sane reverent players on the team of Creation, may it be so!

Tis a grand and necessary time to convene, in myriad forms -
here be one - a rousing free call!

The astro*mytho*politco*guiding meta-narrative for navigating the wild tide of now...

(Yes, there will be a contained modicum of enticing to enroll in my fantabulous Liberating the Zodiac - Within & Without 12 week Council, under the aegis of the Shift Network. The Zodiac council begins on January 30th, right after my return from India, full of vitalizing metaphors and gods who want to piggy-back across borders, and intentionally on the Eve of the Lunar Eclipse of Positive Intrigue (hear all about it!) And/But - the magnetizing, enticing pitch is mild. The free call is great fun as itself.)
Saturday, January 13th, yes, that’s really soon! 

Trickster loves those who skid in…
(and a link to the recording will be sent out to those who sign up)
One definition of maturity is: "to have access to all of one’s resources.”

A pretty good aspiration. The beautiful language of astrology guides us to all of us. Tis a life-time craft, bien sur... And there are great heartening supportive energies with which to partner. The powerful magic that comes in dangerous times is extending an invitational hand.

Magnetizing registering for gathering wits and pluck ~
 6th century Zodiac of Beit Alpha 
The Zodiac, for thousands of years, has been a living mandala of energetic self cultivation, and participation... a guide for humans to re-join the Choreography of Creation... one of the original circular, spiraling Mystery Schools whereby to discern the pattern of Evolutionary Intelligence - and offer oneself as a dance partner with that.
During this
free (woo-hoo!) video event with the likes of myself, you’ll have a riotous good time, a jauntifying romp, whereby 
to dedicate to the Great Work of re-assuming responsibility for dreaming the desirable world into being.

Let’s help each other to decrease reactive fear by cultivating calm confidence and kindness. (A River Guide ally says, "In the most turbulent of rapids, there’s always a silver tongue of calm!”)
Ladle Beauty out of the Grief Cauldron.

Let's keep dreaming team:
“The protoplasm of reality is especially receptive to imaginative imprint now.”

(Jupiter, Mars, Moon trine Neptune...)

“Imagination lays the tracks for the reality train.”

So, we craft the desirable world, back-stage, and our role in it.
What serious fun. Who brought what? We know it or we know who knows it (within 5 Venusian degrees of separation.)

When back-stage has sufficient organized incarnational vitality, we’ll pull the switch on the tracks that the desirable world assumes energetic leadership… Humans, once again humbly co-operating with Nature's guiding genius (aka Uranus - dipping into Taurus this year, heralding a great stirring of all living things - yearning to re-combobulate into designed dynamic accord.)

(Ask Nature:
Astrology is a most beautiful language of our interior psyche and its relationship to the whole larger pulsing dream, one of the most exquisite guides to self-cultivation, whereby each of us is honored and encouraged as a much needed unique experiment - to cultivate and craft our considerable gifts and contribute them to the community (of all beings) in a manner of replenishing reciprocal blessing...

Encouraging signing up for this zoom video cahoot:
 A downloadable recording will be provided later to all who register, whether or not you participate in the scheduled event.
Looking for the Epiphany Tele*Council Recording?
The Audio Recording is Available Free-to-All on Coyote Network News
The Visionary Activist Show Radio
Listen & Download recording after the show

Syncretizing Sacrament of Crossing Borders
with guest and longtime ally, Deborah Felmeth

on our Dark of Moon rendezvous path
to convening Trickster Council in India.

The syncretizing sacrament of crossing borders,

and dissolving them as we do. Convening Bodhisattva
Coyote’s astro*mytho cross-cultural Middle Eastern/
South Asian cahoot. Designing*animating the templates
of Sane Reverent Common Sense Venusian Foreign Policy.

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Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475