Tonight! Santa Lucia Eve, Winter Solstice & India

Published: Mon, 12/11/17

T’is time for the Confluencing of all Allies! 

(embodied, mythic, ancestral, we need all the help we humbled humans can get)

Last moment for magnetizing beings to journey on our big adventure to India January 14- 28th 2018.

No matter what - let’s begin 2018 in a big mythologically culturally replenishing manner?! Woof*Woof*Wanna* Play?! (be always our aspirational emotional default setting)

This is one version, as Neptune says, “Is this the thing? or the Symbol of the Thing? or both?!”

(If attending - great- and even if not, feel free to send me a prayer a wish for self and world, that we will place on our Trickster Renaissance altar in Goa and Hampi, India for blessing animation.)

Tis indeed a Mystery Tour, with its own lively quirky vitality. Now I just take our little beautiful promotional fliers, pour bees wax (sacred to Venus, and Lakshmi) on one at a time, and toss into fire, with the wish that it magnetize the right being. And that seems to be working better than anything orthodox.

One person signed up the minute she heard about it- yea!
Everyone else is just now wafting-skidding in - and Trickster loves all!

Beautiful long-time ally, collaborator, and frequent radio guest, Deborah Felmeth, will be joining us - flying in from Syria- woo-hoo!
Bringing tales and music of against all odds defiant joy, to our truly global Trickster Renaissance Council, whereby we may become “skookum,” "connected to the spirits and completely competent for the work at hand."
December 12th
(tonight December 11th) is Santa Lucia/Virgen de Guadelupe Eve, invoked to bring sane reverence to the voting beings of Alabama

and wafting out to all beings...

Pre-Santa Claus….
Tonight December 11th, Santa Lucia Eve is the night when angels enter our room, as we are sleeping, singing encouragement, proffering hot glug and ginger cookies…

Tis the old beginning of Solstice time
and then, for those lucky enough to be in Washington DC
on December 22nd

Astro*Politico*Mytho guiding narrative meta-story,
and ritual laying to rest of old year, 

Honoring the Birth of the
Liberating Trickster Redeemer
(within and without)
whose first trick is Ladling the Healing Elixir
of Dynamic Beauty out of the Grief Cauldron

w/ Caroline Casey
and Tina Eck and Keith Carr,
“Lilt” great Irish musicians,
to bring the words alive…

7:33 pm

doors open 7:00 pm

Institute for Spiritual Development
5419 Sherier Place N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20016
$20 at the door 

$18 reserved ticket:
We honor Saturn’s entrance into 
Capricorn (December 19th)

First time since 1988, that Saturn has been 
in its own sign for its festival of Winter Solstice… 

We animate what is available to us, 
that Saturn be an ally, that Time is our friend
As Eliphas Levi encourages: 

“Let us conduct ourselves as though we are 
Kings and Queens with all eternity before us.” 

“Make haste slowly."

Uranus stationing - inward -inward -
 to prepare for January 2nd - forward motion, 
as we tip our arrows with compassion, 
with tranny as their target.

Great time to set our vows, 
that we no longer be hostage to our own demons, 
but the transformation of our befoiblements, 
personal and collective, 
into liberating Trickster skills!

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475