T’is time for the Confluencing of all
(embodied, mythic, ancestral, we need all the help we humbled humans can get)
No matter what - let’s begin 2018 in a big mythologically culturally replenishing manner?! Woof*Woof*Wanna* Play?! (be always our aspirational emotional default setting)
This is one version, as Neptune says, “Is this the thing? or the Symbol of the Thing? or
(If attending - great- and even if not, feel free to send me a prayer a wish for self and world, that we will place on our Trickster Renaissance altar in Goa and Hampi, India for blessing animation.)
Tis indeed a Mystery Tour,
with its own lively quirky vitality. Now I just take our little beautiful promotional fliers, pour bees wax (sacred to Venus, and Lakshmi) on one at a time, and toss into fire, with the wish that it magnetize the right being. And that seems to be working better than anything orthodox.
One person signed up the minute she heard about it- yea!
Everyone else is just now wafting-skidding in - and Trickster loves all!
Beautiful long-time ally, collaborator, and frequent radio guest, Deborah Felmeth, will be joining us - flying in from Syria- woo-hoo!
Bringing tales and music of against all odds defiant joy, to our truly global Trickster Renaissance Council, whereby we may become “skookum,” "connected to the spirits and completely competent for the work at hand."