Full Moon True Halloween swoosh to India - Trickster Pilgrimage

Published: Fri, 11/03/17

to Caroline Casey’s
Training Council in India!​​​​​​​

Well, we can explain, a squosh…with “enthusos” - "that which makes the divine within us rejoice.”

Just take a gander at the settings below…

Imagine us there. 23 people with whom this resonates, dedicated to great magic play…

“Listen for your Destiny - and when she calls
- release your plans!” (unknown attribution)

This is a once in a life-time cahoot… to have wonderful Evelyn Roberts, deeply intimate with India, be our logistics Queen, so we are wondrous well guided, cosseted so as to be able to unfurl… and to swim and feast, literally and symbolically at a Banquet of metaphors and in an Ocean of mythological allies… with which we gain access to all of our resources… and customize our skookum selves. (“Skookum” means “connected to the spirits and completely competent for the tasks at hand.”)
Bhakti Kutir - Our Council Headquarters in Goa
Trickster’s Astrological
Mystery School
Renaissance Council

January 14 - 25th, 2018

(aka Bodhisattva Coyote’s Guide to Pragmatic Mysticism 
whereby humans can rejoin the Choreography of Creation)

11-day Astrology workshop and cultural experience in India

*Full Accommodation $2,550 USD* 
~ Airfare not included ~
Payment in full due by November 25th, 2017


For the workshop you will need a tourist visa 

Our time together will be an unfolding journey: from the idyllic, palm-fringed coast of Goa, with its golden beaches and gentle Arabian Sea, to the magnificent ruins of Hampi, and the legendary Kingdom of Kishkinda, with its unearthly boulder-strewn terrain, jade-green palm groves, banana plantations, and lush paddy fields.
Krishna Pushkarani - Hampi Ruins (Dey.sandip)

Citizen Trickster’s Guiding Wisdom 
Traditions of Animistic Activism

Language grants us access to the realm it describes - if we can speak of it we can journey there. Astrology, as a language of each of our individual psyche’s relationship to the collective, rises to its greatest role, proffering guidance so that humans may rejoin the choreography of creation.
Goa & Hampi

are the perfect locations for our workshop – their rich history, diverse culture and beautiful landscapes will be a magnetizing backdrop for the councils we will be convening. 
Bhakti Kutir, Goa
Bhakti Kutir is where we will hold the first half of the workshop. Our dwellings are beautiful huts, no two alike, all fashioned from local materials like rice straw, bamboo and mud, and each one is nestled in a garden setting. 
 Bhakti Kutir, Goa​​​​​​​

Gowri Resort, Hampi

The Gowri Resort sets the stage for part two of our adventure. The simple, well-managed space is set in a stunning location. We have rented this whole facility for both classes and accommodations. The restaurant is excellent, and from here we will be able to explore all different aspects of this fascinating area. 
Gowri Resort, Hampi
Co-operators are standing by!
Averting Dis-aster ("against the stars") 
by gathering to "Consider" (with the stars).
Jupiter trine Neptune
Syncretism is a Sacrament: Astrology guides us to invite the Hindu pantheon to cavort with Taoism, the Quabbala, Aikido, Alchemy, Egyptian Mysteries, that we may honor and cultivate each planet, as a living Intelligence, and bring ancient wisdom alive in a fresh vernacular, that we may each embody within our unique selves.

We magnetize, animate, cultivate our considerable Medicines to contribute to the world at this Time of Dire Beauty.

So in this Council we honor and cultivate each planet, (and Chiron, Ceres, and smattering of asteroids) that we may be its liberating agent in the collective.
What you will need

All levels of astrological knowledge and dedication are welcome. There may well be professional astrologers as well as beings at all levels attending, from beginner to life-long dedication. 
For all, especially those unfamiliar, we highly recommend an astrological reading with Caroline before our journey (at the specially discounted reading rate of $280 from $350 for those who are confirmed - Contact us for the discount code after your deposit).

· For the workshop you will need a tourist visa 
(for many countries, including the US: apply online, print, & fly)
· Make your deposit (payment in full due November 25th)
· Airfare not included ~ find travel advice here 
· Contact us with Questions 
Workshop Schedule
Dates: January 14th - 26th, 2018

Daily Schedule

7:30 am - 8:30 am - Buffet Breakfast for Bhakti Kutir residents.
8:45 am - 10:45 am - Astrology Session
10:45 am - 11:15 am - Coffee, Chai, and Samosa Break
11:15 am - 1:00 pm - Astrology Session
1:00 pm - Lunch Buffet.

Afternoons will primarily be free after lunch
Sometimes we will schedule afternoons for organized group activities, Ayurvedic treatments, yoga classes, massages, shopping, or whatever individuals choose to do. And on some days we will adjust the hours to fit the activity. 

Nothing is mandatory, except for listening to yourself and acting accordingly. A large part of this journey to India will be the experience of this amazing and exotic land itself.

Excursions are included in the "package" prices, and available to tuition only students for a per activity price. More details will be posted and sent to all attendees closer to the workshop dates.

Because many participants are restricted as to their time in India, and also because this workshop does involve some travel, we will have a couple of days off midway through our time.

Evenings Free
Daily Yoga Classes and Ayurvedic treatments are available at Bhakti Kutir - to be paid for individually.
 Sunset on Palolem beach of Goa (Mmedabo)

Jan 14, Sunday - Arrival and settling in. (No breakfast or lunch at Bhakti Kutir.) We will have an evening meeting/orientation.

Jan 15, Monday - Astro*Mytho Class, lunch, free afternoon.

Jan 16, Tuesday - Astro*Mytho Class, snack, Galgibaga Beach Boat Trip and buffet picnic at Surya's wonderful Beach Cafe.

Jan 17, Wednesday - Astro*Mytho Class, lunch, free afternoon.

Jan 18, Thursday - Astro*Mytho Class, beautiful organic Spice Farm visit and lunch, (more Spice Farm photos).

Jan 19, Friday - Astro*Mytho Class, lunch, free afternoon.

Jan 20, Saturday - Free Day. This evening we will take a sleeper bus or train to another state, Karnataka. To the wonderful ancient city of Hampi. (Lunch is not included today.)

We will be staying at Gowri Resort.
Gowri Resort, Hampi

Jan 21, Sunday - This will be another Free Day, to recover and familiarize ourselves with the area. Students will have many choices about how to spend the day, from relaxation, to shopping, to taking personal reconnaissance trips to the places we will be exploring as a group, and with a guide, over the next few days. (Lunch is not included today.)

Jan 22, Monday - Today we will have a guided tour of Hampi. (Lunch is not included today.)

Jan 23, Tuesday - Astro*Mytho Class, lunch. Optional afternoon inclusive trip to the Hanuman Temple where legend has it the monkey god was born.

Jan 24, Wednesday - Astro*Mytho Class, lunch. Optional afternoon inclusive trip to the Lakshmi and Durga Temples.
Coracle boat on the Hampi River (Heaven & Earth)

Jan 25, Thursday - Astro*Mytho Class, lunch. Optional afternoon inclusive river trip in traditional coracle boats.

Closing and Farewell Dinner. As a group we will decide where to have this, and it will be paid for individually 

Jan 26, Friday - Departure

Prices are in US Dollars (Currency Conversion Tool)

Please note: prices subject to change without prior notice. If you have made a deposit we will honour the price you signed up for.
$2,550 USD
All Inclusive
Airfare not Included

Payment in full due by November 25th, 2017

This package includes full accommodation, probably shared. If any single rooms become available, after we know our final count of travelers, they will be given on a 1st sign-up basis.

Full Attendance includes:

· Approximately 4 hrs a day of councils with Caroline Casey for 8 days.

· Accommodation for 13 nights.
· 12 breakfasts, 8 mid-morning refreshments, 8 lunches.
· Turtle beach boat trip & fresh fish lunch.
· Spice farm tour with lunch included.
· Tour of Hampi including all entrance fees, with a professional guide.
· Trips & all transportation to the various ancient temples of Kishkinda.
· River trip in traditional woven coracle boats.
· Arrival ground transfers in Goa, if within 3 days of the workshop beginning.
· Transportation to Hampi.
· Train or bus back to Goa from Hampi.

We are of course fully available to assist with all of your arrangements.

This journey includes many different trips and is best experienced with the Full Attendance package. Please contact us directly regarding the Tuition Only option.

**All inclusive activities are optional and non-transferable, and there will be no substitutions or refunds for non-participation. Thank you for understanding.**
Workshop participation cannot be confirmed without a deposit, no exceptions

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | www.CoyoteNetworkNews.com | 831-687-9475