Marin Civic Center
Exhibition Hall
San Rafael,
··· Friday, October 20th ···
· 9:10pm
Bodhisattva Coyote’s Alchemical Aikido Guide
to Our Dangerous Beautiful Assignment
Caroline will be presenting, comme d’habitude, at Bioneers Conference in
San Rafael, California. Invoking Hue Hue Coyotzin (“ancient revered coyote”)
and the spirit of Scheherazade to unleash a host of liberating trickster genies
to help us partner
with nature’s evolutionary genius, play our role in destiny,
and save the world.
With David Grimes providing rousing exhortation
and soothing lullaby for, as he oft says
"the innocent dignity of our child hearts."
° Free! °
to this event is free and open to all
Marin Civic Center (Exhibition Hall)
10 Avenue of the Flags
San Rafael, CA