Mythic News: Ladling Beauty out of the Grief Cauldron & California Schedule

Published: Tue, 10/17/17

For the conflagration that be everywhere: 

the Celtic blessing 
(that John O’Donohue and I co-crafted-ish):

“When the ghost of loss stands behind you - then may the ancestors place a cloak of solace around your shoulders that will mend your life.”

and ally Claire Cummings, whose family have lost so much in the fires, responds, with more John:

"And when your eyes 
freeze behind
the gray window
and the ghost of loss
get in to you, 
may a flock of colors, 
indigo, red, green 
and azure blue
come to awaken in you
a meadow of delight..."

That is you! in all your purpleness - a flock of colors in a gray burned out world.

May we all be a flock of colors in a gray burned out world!
(and here’s a smidge of what I sent out to my Monday Night Trickster Council Tele*Coyote ~ All are welcome to jump in any time, for a season

Ladling the beauty of entheo-indigenous-endogenous

kinship out of the conflagration cauldron of grief…

Dark of Moon Council Gathering around the story camp-fire,

before the “Through Imagination - lost opportunities

are regained,” New Moon on Thursday at 12:12 pm pt

(opposite Uranus-Trickster resilience)

All around the harsh molecular misery of modernity

is the ancient future…


the atmosphere of pulsing beauty and kinship…

See more beautiful ‘mettamorphs’ in action from Simon Haiduk

Let all us Trickster Agents participate in ladling,

magnetizing, animating, and spiralling forth

the atmospheric Jupiter in Scorpio Phoenix resilience

trining Neptune in Pisces- desirable beauty of

conscious kinship into the memosphere…

~ Caroline's Birthday Tour ~

New Moon Convening

Open Secret 923 C Street

San Rafael, California 94901

·· Thursday, October 19th ···  

· 7:00 pm ·

Town Hall Astro*Mytho*Politico

guiding meta-narrative for now

Yearly pre-Bioneers Gathering of Allies
in the intimate setting of Open Secret Bookstore

with Amikaylea Gaston 


$25 Advance

$30 Day Of & At Door 

Advance reservations recommended

Call Open Secret for Reservations (415) 457-4191

Marin Civic Center
Exhibition Hall
San Rafael, California

··· Friday, October 20th ···  

· 9:10pm ·

Bodhisattva Coyote’s Alchemical Aikido Guide

to Our Dangerous Beautiful Assignment

Caroline will be presenting, comme d’habitude, at Bioneers Conference in

San Rafael, California. Invoking Hue Hue Coyotzin (“ancient revered coyote”)

and the spirit of Scheherazade to unleash a host of liberating trickster genies

to help us partner with nature’s evolutionary genius, play our role in destiny,

and save the world.

With David Grimes providing rousing exhortation

and soothing lullaby for, as he oft says  

"the innocent dignity of our child hearts."

° Free! °

Admission to this event is free and open to all

Marin Civic Center (Exhibition Hall)

10 Avenue of the Flags
San Rafael, CA 

co-operators are standing by!
with Badger! (never give up on life Medicine)
Haley Nagasaki:

"Raven as messenger of the unknown.
He knows how to navigate the dark. Internalizing it, turning his feathers black.
His home is not the earth but somewhere in between worlds.
The world-bridger they call him. His vessel forming the link between realms.

Send a Raven they say. A voice for when there is none.
But really he talks in tongues. His own and those he imitates.
The Raven is sharp, he is alone. His journey is his and no other's.
He keeps the company of Coyote, Bear, and Wolf.

Raven medicine as protection because of what it implies.
The Warrior's path, and the Shaman's flight - the alienating journey of being sent from another world. Sent with a piece of information only you can relay, as the messenger for Spirit. Wake up to Raven's magic.

The Creator Raven, legends past. His many faces.
Pay attention to visions from Raven, he is trying to reach you.
For he is "the Vessel of Prophecy Given to a Seer".
Silence yourself and receive clearly.”

And honoring Odin, the super dog who survived and protected the baby goats and deer.

I just pledged $50 to Odin and his family and kin. 

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475