Perigee New Moon - Radio, Enneagram, Solstice

Published: Thu, 05/25/17

Perigee New Moon in Gemini today  (3:44 pm edt)

'Tis the Moon of Diaspora, sending forth Liberating Seed Ideas.

By its metaphoric degree we are all encouraged to spiral forth blessings into the memosphere….

(and the first time I will be broad-casting live from my Coyote Witchery, outside DC, with my own studio - live to KPFA etc.)

Tis a powerful time of dedication-  encouraging ourselves, and all humans, to being the healers*helpers*menders!

The themes for:
Today’s Visionary Activist Show (Listen here) Caroline welcomes back Ron Kauk, resident of Yosemite, one of the world’s leading rock climber’s, who has used his skill to guide incarcerated youth back to the healing embrace of Nature..

For KPFA Fund Drive enticements we are offering his book 'Sacred Rok' and pairs of tickets to my Summer Solstice presentation: 
'Tis the wedding of all that’s been falsely estranged, that we humans may humbly co-operate with Nature’s Guiding Evolutionary Genius (aka Compassionate Trickster). All moments in time await our dedication to animate the most desirable stories being so generously proffered to us by the guiding Sky-Earth Story… {see more about the Summer Solstice event}
As this perigee new moon unfurls, let ancestor Fred Rogers, guide us to spend ten seconds thanking all those "who have loved us into being."
At last - it's come to this - we now have to do what we want to do!

Current Criterion for all teachings, gatherings : “Does it guide us to our own autonomy. Is it equal Mars and Venus, Women and Men, humans and the rest of our kin, is our unique Trickster self welcome and encouraged? No? We toss it back into the cauldron. Yes?! we ladle it out of Pluto’s Cauldron….

Tis time to explore all guiding wisdom traditions to tease them into pragmatic pertinence..

The Enneagram, kinned with Astrology, is a true language of self-observation (ha! the tricky patterns of self-ensnarement,
and practices whereby to liberate ourselves and guide others to do so).

I have admired great colleague Helen Palmer’s Enneagram work for decades, and her great phrase “the strategy of attention,” and how we can snap it back into autonomy.

She and I, and a host of others, will be presenting

The Enneagram Global Summit, June 5-9, 2017, proffering insights and practices to break free from patterns of self-sabotage, and inadvertent servitude to the Reality Police by reconnecting with our authentic Nature-based selves, that we may contribute our liberated and liberating gifts to the community, at this time of Dire Beauty.

I’m honored to be among more than 40 of the world’s dedicated Enneagram teachers — Claudio Naranjo, Helen Palmer, Russ Hudson, Cheryl Richardson, Richard Rohr, Dr. David Daniels, Robert Holden, A.H. Almaas (Hameed Ali), Jessica Dibb and others — sharing the latest insights and applications to integrate into our own personal growth journey and deepen our effectiveness  in the world.

I encourage you to join me for this online gathering presented by The Shift Network. 

RSVP here for The Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge:
If this ancient system (Circle divided by 9) is new to you, you’ll be guided to the most fun best questions and practices for determining your individual type...

We’ll work with the core patterns of our types and connect with the parts of ourselves that allow us to respond to life spontaneously and creatively.  

If we'’re already well-versed in the Enneagram, would be fun to deepen our dedication.

No matter what:

Better a Trickster than a Martyr be!

and as always, let’s move our emotional default setting to woof*woof wanna play?!


The Shift Network Pitch: 
P.S. Here’s just a little sampling of what the other speakers will be sharing…

· The multiplicity of human types (called enneatypes) & how you can experience greater wholeness

· Specific strategies to help you view yourself & your life through the lens of all 9 types

· How to live an expressed life... fully & with delight!

· Why a scientific mindset can help bring about a clearer understanding of the Enneagram

· The connection between abundance & the Enneagram

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475