Trickster Training Mystery School: Caravan of Dreams at the Carvanserai 4.26.17

Published: Tue, 04/25/17

 Trickster Training Mystery School: 
Caravan of Dreams at the Caravanserai 4.26.17
Caravanserai in Izadkhast, Iran (photo by Mbenoist)
Trickster Training Mystery School-Caravan of Dreams 
is camped at the Caravanserai, awaiting you!

You can still join our journey, cultivating jaunty efficacy, becoming Redemption Enthusiasts - at this time of Dire Beauty…
 Caravanserai (Fallujah 1914)
All life is at risk. Without magic, a humble willingness to cooperate with everything, we are doomed. With magic, re-wedding animism with activism, bringing old wisdom teachings alive in a new vernacular applicable manner - what worthy positive intrigue.

So together we dedicate to being collaborative agents, allies, accomplices of Liberating Trickster Intelligence (that which is ingenious, liberating, resilient.)

From April to November, each week, each Council, we are guided by the astro*mytho*sky story of now- that guides us to syncretize our customized Trickster selves from an ever expanding repertoire of Sufi*Wolfote*Aikido*Alchemy*Egypto* Quaballah*Myths*Folk Tales - All teased into application in our actual lives…

Let’s compost tyranny into nutrient for the Rising Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity…

Let’s all become agents of blessing and invitational story-crafting, to cultivate and avail ourselves of the considerable magics at hand,
that our language, metaphor, and story be in accord with our dedicated hearts. That we all may “dree our weird,” (“play our role in Destiny”) at this time of Dire Beauty.

So much serious fun to be had, as we lighten up - to deepen down. The more the merrier the magic mojo, moving our emotional default setting to “Woof-Woof-Wanna-Play?!"
What is Trickster Training Mystery School?
Caroline discusses the upcoming Trickster Training Mystery School on our website - listen to the recording of this and the resulting Q&A (with questions from others interested in joining the council) on ​​​​​​​
Wednesdays at 5pm pacific (8pm eastern)
Each weekly council includes:

· Live 90min live, interactive cahooting with Caroline W. Casey
(including video streaming!)

· Audio Recording & PDF Transcript of Council

· Group Practice Sessions after each Council

· Interactive Practices for playing & integrating

· Online Community (facebook group)

· Bonus Recordings 

Trickster Training Mystery School Calendar

Councils 1-5: Venus-Taurus 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17 
(5/24 off)
Council 6-8: Mercury-Gemini 5/31, 6/7, 6/14
(6/21 off)
Councils 9-11: Moon-Cancer 6/28, 7/5, 7/12
(7/19 off)
Councils 12-14: Sun-Leo 7/26, 8/2, 8/9
(2 weeks off – 8/16 and 8/23)
Councils 15-17: Mercury-Virgo 8/30, 9/6, 9/13
(9/20 off) 
Councils 18-21: Venus-Libra 9/27, 10/4,10/11, 10/18
(10/25 off)
Councils 22-24: Mars w Pluto-Scorpio 11/1, 11/8 , 11/15
(11/22 off)
Councils 25-27: Jupiter-Sagittarius  11/29, 12/6, 12/13

Listen to The Visionary Activist Show
(Most recent: Women $ & Marijuana)

Caroline greeting the sun (Mt Sinai)

· June 21st Summer Solstice Astro*Mytho*Politico Presentation
7 pm Open Secret San Rafael California 

· August 17 - 21st co·mc·ing and presenting w/ Amikaeyla Gaston 
Symbiosis Eclipse viewing Festival

· October 20th presenting, comme d'habitude, at Bioneers Conference
San Rafael California

· January 2018 Trickster Training Astro Council in Goa & Hampi India
(only 25 spots open & going fast)

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475