Way Holy Week Equinoctial Full Moon Mythos (& Trickster
Training Mysteries) |
Yo Allies of Sane Reverence & compassionate discerning perspicacity! At this time of Dire Beauty,
I am now in Sinai on the shores of the Red Sea, gazing across the water at Saudi
I have been/am still/on an amazing adventure
journey-pilgrimage, that began in Cairo, the Pyramids, the museum in Tahrir Square- of astounding treasures of antiquity, historically converging with modernity- the roiling complexity of the Middle East.
Then traveled to sleep out in the Bedouin desert for 3 nights, the desert with its dazzling vast silence, is clearly entheogenic, guided by
Sheikh Suleiman, who, with his compadres led our small group on (daunting) hikes, & camel treks, providing wondrous Bedouin meals.
All under the spectacular desert sky, Mars in Taurus, Venus' sign, setting in the West, Jupiter in Libra
(Venus' other sign) soaring & presiding over the night sky.
Jupiter retrograde reminds: 'Tis a Time for us all to be re-trieving past cultural and personal Wisdom Traditions & teasing into applied pertinence now. Then journeyed on to ancient St Catherine's monastery at the foot of Mt Sinai, which I climbed yesterday, (as Saturn was stationing at the ancient bridge degree!) arduous,
but helped 1/3rd up (& down) by Mohammed and his camel "Michael Jackson" - ancient confluencing with modern all over the
And simultaneously got to welcome the heliacal rise of Venus in the pre-dawn sky, while ascending the Mountain that pilgrims have climbed for millennia. She
too had retrograded back into Pisces, the sign of her exaltation, to retrieve a unifying vision of peace.
She had disappeared from the Western sky, gone into the Underworld of invisibility and has now returned as the Morning Star (and we with her).
So here I am bringing down Trickster guidelines to supplant grumpy finger-wagging "commandments." Sifting and syncretizing while journeying through Egyptian antiquity, Bedouin intrinsic desert wisdom, Byzantine originating impulse - into Abrahamic
And tomorrow, back to ancient modern Egypt- on to Luxor, the Valley of the Kings & Queens (hello Hatshepsut!) up the Nile under the Equinoctial Full Moon (on my Sun) for 4 nights.
(While reading "The Dawn of Astronomy-a study of Temple Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians" by J.Norman Lockyer, published in 1894)
Then home to waft in and reconvene our on-going Monday nights Trickster Training Council on April 17th.
The Compassionate Trickster Experimental Juju Mystery
And to convene the 8 month-ish (April-December with breaks) Trickster Training Mystery School under the Shift Network auspices, which begins April
Animating Our Lives & Our World with
Myth, Creativity & Astrological
What is the distinction you may ask & I often wonder...
Trickster Training Council - Monday nights - is an on-going weekly council, audio by phone
and web tele*coyote with long-time participants & new people always jumping in for 3 months or a year. Highly responsive to the weekly news, with the guiding sky story mythic news. (More)
Trickster Training Mystery School Councils under Shift Network auspices are convened via Zoom, easy fun audio/video. A squosh more structured. This series of councils has a beginning (April 19th) and an end (December 13 th) - Wednesday nights with some weeks off...
And of course, there is cross-pollination betwixt!
T'would be grand if you were to be magnetized to either - but no matter what, some deep considerings at this wild time of confluencing. Wisdom Traditions, tracked back to their originating impulse, are pulsing with eagerness to be liberated by Trickster within and without & teased into modern
application. Pragmatic Mysticism, Applied Divination, Democratic Animism! Onward!
Monday night-Tuesday morning's Equinoctial Full Moon invites us to be agents of discerning dynamic dedicated blessing. Responsive (versus reactive)
We all be challenged now, heart weighed against a feather and all, to compost large and small harumphitudes. Let not our befoiblements be snared by the befoiblements of
Let us all invite in our Sufic-Wolfote Aikido
that we be agents of cool response in a hot reactive world. As Aikido teacher recently said, "the more balanced we are -
the more
compassionate we can be. "
And yes, we are all traveling with dingbats
against a back-ground of magnificence. So let's focus on the magnificence as an enthusiastic ally now!
Our grumpy hearts may get eaten by the crocodile on occasion. Then we release the weight of churlishness, so that our hearts be as light as a
feather. So in ways both known and mysterious to me,
I am being prepared to tease forth Trickster guiding wisdom from antiquity into applied modernity, as the sine qua non, because it liberates everything and connects us to that Intelligence in Nature of plucky ingenuity, that thrives in against all odds kinda times.
· June 21st Summer Solstice Astro*Mytho*Politico Presentation 7 pm Open Secret San Rafael California
Symbiosis Eclipse viewing Festival
· October 20th presenting, comme d'habitude, at
Bioneers Conference San Rafael California www.bioneers.org
· January 2018 Trickster Training Astro Council in Goa & Hampi India (only 25 spots open & going fast)
Clearly, some genius is scheduling us all in serendipitous synchronicity.
*Woof*Woof*wanna*play?! Caroline Written Saturday, April 8th
Update Sunday, April 9th afternoon
("Please assure all we are well and auspiciously guided" -Caroline)