Trickster Training Mystery School: Caravan of Dreams sets forth tonight!

Published: Wed, 04/19/17

 Trickster Training Mystery School

Caravan of Dreams sets forth tonight!

Wednesday April 19th · 8 pm edt / 5 pm pdt

You can set forth with this caravan

now…. ​​​​​​​

(or consider and join within the next two weeks - if your camel is fast.)

under the aegis of the Shift Network

aegis (n.) 

"protection," 1793, a figurative use of Latin aegis, from Greek Aigis, the name of the shield of Zeus, a word said by Herodotus to be related to aix (genitive aigos) "goat," from PIE *aig- "goat" (source also of Sanskrit ajah, Lithuanian ozys "he-goat"), as the shield was of goatskin. Athene's aigis was a short goat-skin cloak, set with a gorgon's head and fringed with snakes. The exact use and purpose of it is not now clear. 

Online Etymology Dictionary

I love that. Athene’s goaty aegis, whose “exact use and purpose" 
is not yet! clear. Until now, as one of our Trickster practices is literalized metaphor, the essence of all micro ritual magic.

One of the symbols for our Saturn, our autonomy is the goat. When the symbolism arose - 2 goats, one the imprisoned, chained gloomy goat, this sometimes scape-goat; two - the , loves uneven footing goat. And in vernacular sometimes people “get our goat.” Derived from race horses provided a companion goat who kept them steady. And unscrupulous humans (sigh) would, before a race, get a horse’s goat, leaving it all spirited autonomous gamboling

We begin many of our Trickster Councils with calling back our goat, our dynamically calm autonomy, who returns even friskier, less obedient to tyranny, more dedicated to collective well-being - than before it got got.
And as for the rest of Athene’s “look,” the gorgon's head and fringed of living snakes- it’s a look to stash in the wardrobe for special occasions.

The Sun enters Taurus today, right before we set forth, the realm of Venus, who will be our guide throughout the whole Caravan (through December 13th, with breaks, cause ours is a quirky journey to encourage our customized quirkiness). We trust in Trickster Venus to magnetize all the right team-mates for this journey, that begins with mythological adornment.

Our whole lives are living art… So we offer ourselves as dance partners with all for whom we feel loving, admiring affinity,- all plants, animals, wisdom teachings, mythic, folk, historic, ancestral beings. 

We need all the help we can get. And
Co-Operators are standing by!

Eager to be invited to bound from back-stage woo-woo - to on-stage incarnational sensual, make the world more beautiful cahooting.
Venus, freshly returned from the Underworld, heliacally risen in the sign of her, exaltation, having retrieved a vision of peace, is ready to reassume cultural leadership - through us all.
(Photo: Caroline on camel, welcoming the return of Venus on Mt Sinai)

I have just returned from amazing caravan through Egypt (so I am full of literalized metaphor). We are all in full-on dream-scape now. Metaphor is the incarnational garb whereby power enters the world. 

One purpose of the Venusian Magi Maven is to co-create the atmosphere conducive to the beautiful desirable.​​​​​​​
Dedicated acts of Beauty invite into the world..

Here’s me on Mt Sinai, gathering Trickster Guidelines, to supplant grumpy commandments…
And for bonus points: Pluto is stationing now! Wants our attention, to guide us to navigate the roiling underworld of now, by making allies of that which frightens us.

In Egypt the cobra ahead is an oppositional enemy, whereas a Cobra behind or beside (or out of your fore-head) is an ally- protector. (Egypto snakes are considered the best protectors, because they never close their eyes.)

“We never Sleep,” is the true motto of snake protective services.

All life is at risk. Without magic, a humble willingness to cooperate with everything, we are doomed. With magic, re-wedding animism with activism, bringing old wisdom teachings alive in a new vernacular applicable manner -what worthy positive intrigue.

So together we dedicate to being collaborative agents, allies, accomplices of Liberating Trickster Intelligence (that which is ingenious, liberating, resilient.)

From April to November, each week, each Council, we are guided by the astro*mytho*sky story of now- that guides us to syncretize our customized Trickster selves from an ever expanding repertoire of Sufi*Wolfote* Aikido*Alchemy*Egypto*Quaballah*Myths*Folk Tales - All teased into application in our actual lives…

Let’s compost tyranny into nutrient for the Rising Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity…

Let’s all become agents of blessing and invitational story-crafting, to cultivate and avail ourselves of the considerable magics at hand,
that our language, metaphor, and story be in accord with our dedicated hearts. That we all may “
dree our weird,” (“play our role in Destiny”) at this time of Dire Beauty.

So much serious fun to be had, as we lighten up - to deepen down. The more the merrier the magic mojo, moving our emotional default setting to “Woof-Woof-Wanna-Play?!"

Let not the sales page be an impediment, 
if you like its slightly breathy mixing of Carolingianisms with “marketing” language - fine. And if not - also wonderful.
Shift provides aegis - Saturnine structure and a great organizing team, weaving coherence via recordings, transcripts, facebook page, guiding practices. I provide wildness. 'Tis a worthy dance of reciprocal blessing.

Reciprocal blessing is so the way to go now,
in myriad forms: the circus cry of “Allez
the Amharic word “
!” (a word to conjure
stamina and joy for a hard journey ahead)

We all tip our hat to the carnival barker to pass into the tent, which shape-shifts into our Caravan - and off we go -into the desert night from which I have just returned, and which lives within us all.
Solitude with back-up.

What does this Mystery School include? What is it all about?

Caroline discusses the upcoming Trickster Training Mystery School on our website - listen to the recording of this and the resulting Q&A (with questions from others interested in joining the council) on 

Wednesdays at 5pm pacific (8pm eastern)

Each weekly council includes:

· Live 90min live, interactive cahooting with Caroline W. Casey

(including video streaming!)

· Audio Recording & PDF Transcript of Council

· Group Practice Sessions after each Council

· Interactive Practices for playing & integrating

· Online Community (facebook group)

· Bonus Recordings 

Trickster Training Mystery School Calendar

Councils 1-5: Venus-Taurus 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17 

(5/24 off)

Council 6-8: Mercury-Gemini 5/31, 6/7, 6/14

(6/21 off)

Councils 9-11: Moon-Cancer 6/28, 7/5, 7/12

(7/19 off)

Councils 12-14: Sun-Leo 7/26, 8/2, 8/9

(2 weeks off – 8/16 and 8/23)

Councils 15-17: Mercury-Virgo 8/30, 9/6, 9/13

(9/20 off) 

Councils 18-21: Venus-Libra 9/27, 10/4,10/11, 10/18

(10/25 off)

Councils 22-24: Mars w Pluto-Scorpio 11/1, 11/8 , 11/15

(11/22 off)

Councils 25-27: Jupiter-Sagittarius  11/29, 12/6, 12/13

Read descriptions of each council series

Aegis of Neith (c. 685–525 BCE Egypt) [Photograph by Rama, Wikimedia Commons, Cc-by-sa-2.0-fr]

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475