Rising Trickster Renaissance Equinox (and Pisces! and Aries! Specials!)

Published: Wed, 03/08/17

Upcoming Washington D.C. Vernal Equinox Event
Caroline W. Casey convenes:

° Rousing Rising Trickster Renaissance °

Gathering Woof (animal), Adamancy (mineral - means diamond),

and Entheo-Enthusiasm (plant allies: enthusos means 

that which encourages the Divine within us to iridesce)

to honor and animate this Re-birth Equinox, 

allying with the vitality of Spring’s Green Fire, 

that our species may re-join the 

Choreography of Creation.

May it be so!

Sunday March 19th - 7:30 pm

at the adorable, easy parking magic venue:

Institute for Spiritual Development

5419 Sherier Pl NW,

Washington, DC 20016


with long-time collaborative ally, Amikaeyla, 

drumming and singing to call in the allies, living and ancestral

Rare re-union in D.C., by serendipitous synchronicity!

Because D.C. needs us all now.​​​​​​​

Astrological Reading Specials
Pisces & Aries
Doing my best work ever to fluff up our team,
guiding everyone to their own autonomy, by cultivating
and contributing our unique and necessary 
Medicines to the community.

{And there are just a few openings available before my journey 
to Egypt (March 28th), and then upon my return April 14th.}


10 readings available at the discounted price
(from usual $350) to $280
(powerful number of re-birth)
to anyone with Sun, Moon,
or Rising in Pisces

use promo code WATER at checkout

· Aries ·

10 readings available at the discounted price
(from usual $350) to $280
(powerful number of re-birth)
to anyone with Sun, Moon,
or Rising in Aries

use promo code FIRE at checkout

And of course the finest long-standing bargain
for oneself and to encourage friends with
a marvelous (wonderous) gift:

° 4 readings for $1,000 °

We journey - re-search backwards  (Jupiter retrograde)

to the wisdom of antiquity - to bring it alive in new ways

in the modern world… (opposite Uranus)

Aspiring to file scouting reports from Cairo,
Mount Sinai (telepathic reports - no internet -
in desert with Bedouins) Nile River… 

But, just in case · Twitter @Standupcoyote · Facebook Coyote Network News · 

Upcoming News & Events

· Upon my return we will launch Coyote Network News on Patreon  

(weaving in more myriad ways to engage, more options, more play, more people)

· The Visionary Activist Show will shape shift into a free-range podcast 

Tomorrow 3/9 Standing Rock Persisting Everywhere!

Phyllis Young, leader in American Indian Movement, and her ally film-maker Tricia van Klaveren,making “Guardians of the Water,” a film to debut at the Standing Rock Film Festival. And Mitchell Zephier, Executive Director of the Film Festival. 

· June: California Tour (more coming soon-ish)

· August: co-emceeing with Amikaeyla at the Symbiosis Eclipse Festival in Oregon http://oregoneclipse2017.com/

· OctoberBioneers - Presenting 'Guiding Mytho-Meta-Narrative'  


· And Trickster Training is getting more more full of resources, more full of council members, honing our dedications and skillsets at this key time. 

All are invited to join in anytime from anyplace, to the ongoing council:

*Weekly Live Tele*Coyote Council  (recorded & transcribed) 

*All of Caroline's recorded talks (including equinox and solstice addresses) 

*Cahooting via secret facebook council 

*(metaphorical) Backpack of (very real) Resources 

See more about Trickster Training

  Who brought what to this Renaissance? 
Salaam/Shalom - meaning “Peace” -

is not the absence of war - but the presence of One

Venus, about to journey to the Underworld,

to gather spirited energy for Cultural Renaissance,

reminds us that, "Those who survive the journey

to the Underworld have earned the right

to be Cultural Trickster Redeemers!” 

Co-operators Are Standing By

Calling all Sane Reverent People at this Time of Dire Beauty!

Encouraging all to Cultivate our Trickster Escapade Artist

Inviting in those guiding qualities of Nature that are 

skilled at spiraling out of the way of tyranny,

and liberating all beings - to “dree their weird,”

(“Play their role in Destiny!”)

And for a little etymological delving - part of our play:

Escapade (n.) 

1650s, "an escape from confinement,"

from French escapade (16c.) "a prank or trick,"

from Spanish escapada "a prank, flight, an escape,"

noun use of fem. past participle of escapar "to escape," from Vulgar Latin *excappare (see escape (v.)). Or perhaps the French word is via Italian scappata, from scappare, from the same Vulgar Latin source.

Figurative sense (1814) implies a "breaking loose" from rules or restraints on behavior.

And for a little etymological delving - part of our play:

Escapade (n.) 

1650s, "an escape from confinement,"

from French escapade (16c.) "a prank or trick,"

from Spanish escapada "a prank, flight, an escape,"

noun use of fem. past participle of escapar "to escape," from Vulgar Latin *excappare (see escape (v.)). Or perhaps the French word is via Italian scappata, from scappare, from the same Vulgar Latin source.

Figurative sense (1814) implies a "breaking loose" from rules or restraints on behavior.

Saturn and Uranus are in accord in the sky -

let them be “on earth as it is in heaven."

Sane Reverence assuming

Cultural Narrative Lead

'Tis a Renaissance of Wise Persistence

'Tis indeed a needed Renaissance of esoteric guiding wisdom, brought alive

in a liberated and liberating new way, customized for our circumstance

now at this Time of Dire Beauty, that all may "dree their weird”

“Play their role in destiny."

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | www.CoyoteNetworkNews.com | 831-687-9475