Trickster at NCGR - Astro Conference in Baltimore - Register Today! To see Caroline on Feb 18th

Published: Sun, 02/12/17

Yo team o local (potential or actual) Astrological language enthusiasts!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Many great Astrology scholars from all over the world are convening next weekend in Baltimore.  At this Council of Trickster Redeemers, disguised as a banquet, let’s enjoy a guiding metaphoric feast, animating the guiding astro*mytho*politico guiding meta-narrative. ​​​​​​​

Quirkily, Today - 2/12/17 - tis the last day to register

for the banquet, at which I will be speaking on Day 3

of the NCGR Conference: Register for Day 3 & Banquet

One may register for the full NCGR conference

through the week: Register for Full NCGR


Saturday, February 18, 2017 · 7:00—10:00pm

NCGR-PAA Graduation Dinner
Keynote Address by Caroline Casey
We invite all thoughts and throw in old certainties into the cauldron – just for the fun of it – they may bubble back up as certainties, or not!  We welcome myth, faery tales and detective novels as all proffering guidance to us now.  

And for even more fun we explore the resonance betwixt 11.9.1938, 11.9.1989, 11.9.2016. 

“History does
n’t repeat itself – but it rhymes.”

Mark Twain
The dance of Shiva (Khitindranath Mazumdar) 

Caroline offers Trickster Training Councils –

Weekly tele*coyote virtual gatherings dedicated to

“the powerful magic that comes in dangerous times

the birth of Citizen Trickster.”  

··· Current Councils ···

The Compassionate Trickster 

Experimental Juju Mystery School

On-going Monday nights (with recordings)

that has been going for decades,

and to which people are always welcome


And right now, Caroline is convening a

7 council course with the Shift Network

Liberating Citizen Trickster

We convened on February 1st

(the skipped last week, as Shift was in retreat)

We re-convene this Wednesday February 15th,

and people are welcome to enroll through the 22nd.


Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475