Indivisible Trickster Magic for Dangerous Times!

Published: Tue, 01/10/17

Yo team o quirky allies, 

to be alive is to always be experimenting,

Big Momma’s Full Moon of sane reverent common sense is waxing!​​​​​​​

A new ancient Creation Myth:​​​​​​​

(with invitation to free call on Saturday, the recording of which will be available, should the timing 10 am pst, 1 pm est on Saturday January 14th, not match your schedule.

And yes, at end of the call, Shift Network will seek to magnetize listeners to enroll in my splendiferous 7 Councils Convening Citizen Trickster that begins, on line February…

Yes, the rip-tide of our dedications meeting marketing, ancient meeting modern etc is a quirky conundrum… and yet, as I overcame my resistance last year…

I was so impressed at the team of who enrolled - really great humans from all over the world, including Syria, Australia, Brazil, the Americas, Europe, Ireland, Scotland, Belize etc…

People on little isolated islands, and in big cities, 

all convening to cahoot in council.

So, yes, am up for convening again this Northern Winter - Summer for the team in the way South - with fresh ancient material…and opportunities abounding for what a team o telepathic cahooters can create, a supportive web of increased serendipitous synchronicity.

Saturn is trining Uranus - discipline and wildness in harmony…

As above - so below: Wolves and Coyotes are mating, as an evolutionary advantage. Wolves, playful, yet have a highly structured pack dynamic. Saturn. Coyotes, wiley, ingenious. Uranus.

There is an evolutionary advantage to  participating in a supportive Wolf pack that encourages our unique Coyote.

Wolfote be our guiding animal.)

Long before there were humans - 

there was Trickster - 

the originating liberating spark of creation - that sets the whole shebang going.

Ignition. Lightning.​​​​​​​

And throughout time - 

Trickster electricity wants to sizzle through everything…

having journeyed all that way, to reside inside each one

of our hearts, awaiting the quickening call…

Each one of us a unique and necessary experiment,

with our Medicine to honor and contribute

to the world at this Time of Dire Beauty….

Heeding the Call: A call goes forth to the

Intelligence within us all, that comes alive

when life goes dodgy, sketchy “against all odds.”

We call this defiant competent jaunty joy -

Trickster - Nature’s evolutionary witty,

elegant spiraling genius….

Not all times, and not all cultures

have encouraged Trickster,

because Trickster disrupts orthodoxy.

(“ortho” means “straight” as in orthodontistry -

“straight teeth.” “Dox” means “teaching.”)

Trickster prefers its teaching - curvey, as does Nature…​​​​​​​

Convening a Free Call

Saturday January 14th, 2017

10 am pst / 1 pm est

Powerful Magic in Dangerous Times - 

to invite Citizen Trickster - Bodhisatva Coyote

to bound onto the world stage...

A downloadable recording will be provided after to all who register

And if you have a newsletter or similar list... might you have experimental willingness to spiral forth an invitation to the call?  

More Info...


Thursday’s 1.12.17 Full Moon Visionary Activist Show 

will again be hosting Daniel Giamario on the pre-Inaugural

 astro*mytho guiding meta-narrative of now... All planets in 

direct motion, Venus (exalted, conjoining Neptune) with Mars 

together in the evening sky... Jupiter/Uranus - wild story storm

 maelstrom... and much more!

Per recent The Visionary Activist Show discussion...

Here is the link to a great pragmatic guide



Former congressional staffers reveal best practices for making Congress listen.


on which we elaborate, with Trickster Craft: 

"Mythic - Indivisible"

So much quirkiness going on today… Tuesday… 

Obama’s farewell address, and the busy bringing before  

the Senate the plethora of proposed dementors… 

Through Trickster Training (and soon other modes) we shall

further animate our Metaphoric Screen Writer’s Hut 

all the potencies in our Magic Back-pack,

including liberating lightning

and let’s begin hurling liberating lightning 

at any imprisoning circle… 

And, for personal or collective Astrological Consultation Divinations...

I am doing my best work ever in individual readings:

(now booking into February)

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475