Navigating the Wild Story Storm with Trickster Allies

Published: Thu, 11/24/16

In Trickster We Trust

Trickster as Keeper of Democracy

Against All Odds are the Odds that Trickster Likes

As agents of Trickster Redeemer, we know that

expectation is the partner of disappointment,

but Willingness is the dance partner of life!

So let's toss all past, present and future expectation,

and consequent disappointment into the end of year Cauldron.

Think of the energy we'll all have….

So with that proviso in mind - let's cahoot,

invite in Trickster, Nature's evolutionary Genius in myriad guises, 

to disrupt that which is not dedicated to collective good in the

most desirable with bark with weight manner.

Coyote Network News

Mythic News Headlines:​​​​​​​

Alt-Reich Troll in Chief, sent back-stage by


We are headed into wild story storm,

so let's step into the center, and swoosh the winds…

into a desirable story…

Electoral College votes December 19th

as Mercury conjoining Pluto, stations retrograde,

reverse, reveal (and so on…)

Strategy laid out in a number of different venues:

* Post Cataclysmic Election Gathering of Wits 

Open Secret Talk from November 15th…

Download $20 (Purchase here)

* Jump into our on-going Trickster Training Council

Monday Nights (via phone and web) 6 pm pt/9 pm et

Here's a link to our most recent gathering for spirited enticement:

Tele*Coyote (11.21.2016) Free Access

Enroll for 3 months - $200


Let's all rise to the occasion!

Caroline is  doing her best work ever astro*mytho*guiding*wise

(appointment openings in December!)

*Astro Readings (a convening of the full council of you,

guided to own autonomy, to cultivate and contribute

considerable gifts to the community, at this Time of Dire Beauty)

1 session / $350

4 sessions / $1000

(wonderful Solstice-Christmas presents,

we e-mail you gift certificates)


Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475