we aspire to attribute this meme to creator At this historic cuckoo time of Dire
Beauty that Sane Reverence May Prevail - Earth breathing sigh of relief Delineation of the astro*mytho opportunities being so generously proffered to us, at this Time of Dire Beauty.. Election charts, Inauguration chart, Venus and Mars cycles… Historic resonances (distinction between 30's Germany and America); This quirky Month 0f Neptune stationing: Reality emerges from delusion... calling all helpful ancestors, wizards, witches, social alchemists, fellow aspiring agents of the Trickster Redeemer… All are welcome (to magnetize, animate and spiral forth the
most desirable stories)!
Caroline's Trickster Training Council convenes every Monday night - and Monday, November 7th, cuckoo Election Eve, we welcome you!
Welcoming all who aspire to be ever more effective players on the Team of Creation!
Where'er we all be this night - let us all telepathically cahoot, engaging all our magic (a willingness to cooperate with everything), to align with the great defiant ingenious goodness arising, against all odds…. Standing Rock, literally and metaphorically, proclaims humans
partnering with Nature, re-wedding activism with animism….
All of us, protectors, be Inaugurating an irresistible Guiding Story….
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access tonight’s council Here
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send queries to Eryn@Coyotenetworknews.com
Meanwhile I increasingly love the work I am doing in private sessions, astrological readings, where we metaphorically convene the full council of
you… Encouraging us all to cultivate, animate and contribute our considerable gifts to the community of creation at this crucial time.
(see bottom of webpage) to be used by self, or as gifts
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