Post Cataclysmic Election Town Hall Convening Tuesday!

Published: Mon, 11/14/16

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Whoa! Gathering Our Wits

for the Wild Ride Ahead

"In Trickster We Trust"

A Post Cataclysmic Election Town Hall

A convening of all wizards, witches,

Sane Reverent Beings, visionary animist activists;

to co-animate Citizen Trickster - within us all!

 Caroline beging guided to the Yei, Divine Being, rock art, by local spirit
of Utah land, Joe Paychak, with thanks to host Jenepher Stowell


Caroline W. Casey


Tuesday November 15th 2016

7 pm

Open Secret

923 C street

San Rafael CA 94901

$20 advance (415) 602-1584

$25 at the door



9/11 and 11/9 (Kristalnacht, and the Germans

redeeming that date by opening the Berlin wall

on that day)​​​​​​​

Better a Trickster than a martyr be,

against all odds are the odds that Trickster likes.

Let's crank up the synchronicity-improbability dial,

"Million to one chances crop up nine times out of ten,"

says Granny Weatherwax.

The race is on, that dynamic beauty and

sane reverence may supplant the dominance

of dunder-headed-despotic dementors of doom,

and that adorable and ingenious life may bloom

in profusion once again on the other side of this

bottle-neck towards which we are all racing…..

Animating the Astro*Mytho*

*Politico*Navigational*Guiding story for Now-

through November, into the wild Winter Solstice



(And a grand time to consider cahooting on our

Monday night Tele*Coyotes, (via phone or web),

cultivating the very Trickster qualities most

skookum for now.)

Join Trickster Training Council

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475