Meanwhile, from
long-time astro-ally
comes this debate guiding,
for our collective
From Sylvia Scully
October 14th, 2016
“In the News: The emergence of
women from the past
in both campaigns is defined by the traveling Venus as
the accuser and demander of change.
The brutal, out-of-bounds campaign itself
is defined by Mars, the accused.
By election day, Mars is no longer
in contention.
At 29+ Capricorn, Mars, completely out of energy,
is sequestered in a secret meeting of incompetent
and desperate
Whoever best articulates the case for healing the planet
[Venus in the 2nd on Election Day] by creating a successful
emergency economy [trine Ceres-Uranus in the 6th of service
and jobs] will prevail on November 8.
The 3rd presidential debate on October 19th has
Ceres-Uranus, both
retrograde, rising in Aries.
Here is Hillary’s chance to own climate change
as the biggest job creator since The New Deal.
Exact Mars-Pluto conjunction at the midheaven
of the October
19th debate chart insists
on transformative change.”