Carolingian Halloween Election Tour · Event's This Week (And Chart for Debate Tonight)

Published: Wed, 10/19/16

Yo Team o Sane Reverent Beings!

Flying out to California now, for

Carolingian Halloween Election Tour,

Halloween Election

Trickster Town Hall

Open Secret

923 C Street

San Rafael, CA


October 20th · 7 pm

$20 advance tickets · Call (415) 457-4191

$25 at the door

Anna Walker

Then on to rousing Bioneers gig,

Electing Flora Fauna!

Marin Civic Center · Exhibit Hall

10 Avenue of the Flags

San Rafael, CA

Friday · October 21st · 9:10pm

$20 at the door

(Entrance included in

registration for Bioneers)

with fantabulous

long-time ally Amikaeyla,

Haitian ancestored


calling in the mojo

Metaphoric Biomimicry,

a storm of powerful

“Pussy Grabs Back!” is rising

Arthur Rackham Illustration

Meanwhile, from long-time astro-ally

comes this debate guiding,

for our collective animation:


From Sylvia Scully

October 14th, 2016

“In the News:  The emergence of women from the past

in both campaigns is defined by the traveling Venus as

the accuser and demander of change.  

The brutal, out-of-bounds campaign itself

is defined by Mars, the accused.

By election day, Mars is no  longer in contention.  

At 29+ Capricorn, Mars, completely out of energy,

is sequestered in a secret meeting of incompetent

and desperate capitalists.

Whoever best articulates the case for healing the planet

[Venus in the 2nd on Election Day] by creating a successful

emergency economy [trine Ceres-Uranus in the 6th of service

and jobs] will prevail on November 8.

The 3rd presidential debate on October 19th has

Ceres-Uranus, both retrograde, rising in Aries.

Here is Hillary’s chance to own climate change

as the biggest job creator since The New Deal.

Exact Mars-Pluto conjunction at the midheaven

of the October 19th debate chart insists

on transformative change.”



We convene in “this little circle of firelight - we call the physical world.” (Thanks, Terry Pratchett!)

No need to be alone during this cuckoo wild time (for wild beings)

election and more cycle!

Encouraging, at this time of Dire Beauty,

to join with diverse sane reverent pragmatic mystics,

to experiment with Memospheric influence in micro and

macro ways in our Trickster Training Council, convening

Monday nights at 6 pm pt, 9 pm et, with secret

Trickster Facebook page (optional)…

Usually, we charge a (mere)

$200 for 3 months enrollment -

but if you sign up now (before Halloween) -

we will add an extra week…

Special Offer

Seasonal Membership + Free Week

(Love this! Apologies for not knowing to whom to attribute)


Here is the I Ching’s campaign coverage-guiding

for us all now (Stephen Karcher’s “Total I Ching”)

and our assignment at gigs and in Council:

38 Diverging / Navigating the Shadow Lands:

“Strange meetings with hidden spirits; the ghost world;

change conflict into creative tension through awareness;

a seed figure… Danger in the Demon Country;

Strange visions, alternate realities, and chance

meetings with important spirit beings….​​​​​​​

This is the word of the wugai, intermediaries who deal

with angry ghosts…

We are to navigate the Underworld Ghost River… Dealing with these spirits, transforming the negative power of the ghost world into as creative tension with the living is essential to the continuation of life and culture. This is the task of the wandering sage, the one

who voyages outside the norms,

the wage!”

Pretty deft counsel!


Yei = "divine being"
(preferred word to "shaman")

rock carving in Utah, beaming support 

Chart for Tonight's 
Third Presidential Debate​​​​​​​

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Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475