Trickster Council - Riding on the Back of Trickiness Itself!

Published: Mon, 09/26/16

Yo Allies, below is the missive to my

Monday Night Trickster Council

(You can join at any time-Yip-Yip!)

Encouraging all to cahoot,

as Trickster is the Keeper of Democracy

No Tele*Coyote Tonight (9.26.2016)

Trickster Council contributes Coyote to the debate!

"Riding on the back of trickiness itself!"

​​​​​​​Yo Trickster Council-

Tonight we head into the field!

So - no call - but encouraging the council

to participate in the debate, which commences

at our usual time of convening.

So let us all cahoot telepathically at 9 pm edt,

each according to their autonomous affinity.

I will be watching the debate, for sure.

Whether you watch, or choose to do magic in the woods,

or read “The Art of Peace,” here are some

Trickster Encouragements:

It doesn't matter, if one is pro-Hillary

or pro-Jill or (fill in blank)…

If Hillary  elicits “grrr” (let’s quell reaction

into liberating response and blessing for all beings)

- then see what Jill symbolizes being present

(we’re experimenting)

and Bernie.. whose chart is wildly influentially active…

We’re tapping into the Mythic News.

Inaugurating a Guiding Story,

which we make telepathically available

to the Hillary part of all of us.

(again for any that buck and whinny -

then come up with some ingenious witty

work-around of contributing goodness to Group Mind.

Who brought what to this Renaissance party?!)

Magic is a willingness to cooperate with everything.

(not condone, cooperate)

The Moon is at the "Zuni Indians perform a majestic ritual

to the Sun - taking part in a bigger picture. Individual fire

contributing to collective spirit,” degree…

Hymn To The Sun Laura Gilpin

Let’s invite (via Venus’ smoldery sizzly)

the earth, the climate, Indigenous wisdom,

to against all odds be powerfully present.

That, against all odds, sane reverence

assume cultural narrative lead.

No matter what: let us employ our harumphitude composters,

maybe have bitters on hand, to metabolize all spiky stridency,

vituperative vitriol, snookered into polarity etc.

The MC is “A performer in a ritual Mystery Play…

allowing room for mystery.” We are all in this dream together,

and everything, everyone be a part of our dream.

In regard to #Trumpelstiltskin, let us wish (as in “BrainDead”)

for him to be de-possessed, and not re-possessed,

by the demonic cunning con man retrovirus

that has possessed him.

We remember we are allowed/encouraged to spiral forth

spicy blessings of which we would also be willing recipients:

“May his kidneys work so well that they flush all toxins from

his psyche and leave him in a pool of befuddled innocence!"

May those abusing power, employing dominance, be moved to a

place they can no longer harm themselves by harming others….

May words flee from the mouths of those

who would enslave them to lies and cruelty.


Mythic News Campaign Coverage

Remembering, in the words of William Kittredge,

describing the Tshimsian Indian Raven Rattle,

on which human and frog are flying, erotically connected

by their shared tongue: “See that raven rattle says,

this is how we are, inextricably one with everything,

however tricked, riding in fact on the back of trickiness itself."

Soul Retrieval Leslie Macon

Surround the screen with whatever amuses,

sage, candles, blessing the 6 directions,

images of all we hold dear….

Dis-spelling, dissolving all inquisitional aspects,

inviting the best  of humans to our campaign for the earth,

and tapping into the wildly creative mojo being so generously

proffered by Nature to our churlish and brilliant species.

Venus in Scorpio close to Hillary’s Sun

has two varying Sabian Symbols:

“A massive rocky shore pounded by the waves of the sea.

Finding an emotional center beyond the swirls of change.

Periods of turbulence alternating with calm resolve.”

and (Steve Eardley’s )

“Opera star braves the storm

to attend a wild party on board a ship.”

The rising sign is “A mature woman reawakens to romance.”

Ceres Demeter rising at the "rainbow’s pot of gold” degree…

returning to Hillary’s Ceres Demeter, who is willing

to speak resonant sane reverence through her.


Uranus-Trickster and Eris, Goddess of Disruption,

rising before Ceres: “May anything up to no good -

be disrupted, revealed and rendered harmless!

And let’s remember to periodically proclaim

the dispelling of lies, and glamor chant,

given to us by the wit of Terry Pratchett:

“Yan Tan Tethera!"


I will be live tweeting (@Standupcoyote)

and Facebook posting, and encouraging our to and fro…

that we may magnetize (Venus)

and animate (Mars) the desirable.


I watched a bunch of  these "two ferns" insulting interviews,

and Obama did pretty great, some people did terribly.

Hillary actually did the best…

likable, composed, serene, witty….

We want to see this…

(NY Times Review of Interview)

(Watch Between Two Ferns Interview)

A toast of Soul Retrieval - all around -

that our species emerge from psychotic break to Renaissance!


Welcoming all who wish to be ever more effective players

on the Team of Creation at this time of dire beauty!

Monday Night Tele*Coyote


6 pm West Coast / 9 pm East Coast

at which time Caroline lays out the

astro-mythological-political theme memes

of the week, and what qualities to cultivate

to best navigate the wild tide of now

(Recorded for those who can’t attend the live call)

(Ongoing for years, anytime is the right time to join,

but now may be especially perfect and pertinent)

Join at

Questions? Email 

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475