Such a Powerful Illuminating Full Moon Solstice Opportunity

Published: Sun, 06/19/16

Yo Team,

Truly the glide back up from underworld, supported by the embrace of a creative competent team…is to achieve a greater dynamic harmony than pre-kerfuffle….Feeling pretty woofy!

We can see, and glean guidance from Saturn trining Uranus - the wolf-coyote hybrid occurring now in Nature as an evolutionary assist. Wolves are very Saturn- pack, organize playful competence. Coyotes very autonomous, ingenious,wily unique…

To have an inner and outer wolf pack that supports our inner and outer unique Coyote is a great way to go...And blessing for all beings...

It is Great to gather now, as our ancestors have done for 30,000 years, to align with Nature's Guiding Genius:

Summer Solstice Full Moon Gathering

Flora-Fauna 2016 - Inaugurating Our Guiding Rising Reverent Renaissance Story

Monday June 20th 7 pm

Open Secret

923 C Street

San Rafael, CA 94901

Directions Here


(can make reservations through Sunday)

(it says $20 advance, $30 at door, but all is shape-shifty, so what the hell, if you just show up, by 6:45 pm, just pay $20 and a magic whimsical tip…conjuring a rollicking full house)

(we will let everyone know when recording down-loads are available)

We will be working these themes at Solstice,

and on Monday Night Trickster Council,

encouraging all allies to jump in any time, have supportive pack for each beings customized Trickster, whose time is now!

Trickster Training Council

The Compassionate Trickster Experimental Juju Mystery School

$200 for 3 months of weekly calls

So, essential now, that we all dedicate to being agents of cool liberating creative response in a hot reactive world,

whereby to "dree our weird,"

"Play our role in destiny," at this Time of Dire Beauty..

That we be agents of creatively disrupting the "con," the toxic mimic, and inviting the liberating authentic trick...

Gathering Our Medicine Stories (As the band Incus chants: "We have all been close to death - then we found rhythm - and now we have much…")

What gets us through the Underworld - and how we would wish that for all beings...

Reciprocal Blessing…be the Trickster clean energetic spraling potency...

* Making Eris - Disruption, in service to liberating harmony, our ally

*Directing energetic traffic: Spiraling adversary into ally- great swirling…. grrr vortex back into larger Rising renaissance of supportive sane reverent community accord

(The Latino LGBT community, is now actively in common cause, Neptunian kinned solace with the Muslim community…

Horror providing greater incentive for conscious kinship- celebrating diversity and tolerance…)

Remembering that "the purpose of ritual magic is to spiral into Group Mind, expanded wisdom and tolerance."

The recent DEA attack on completely skookum in regulatory accord CBD dispensary in Santa Rosa ---

May the appropriate outrage swirl into larger Bernie Renaissance dynamic…stronger saner than before….with Big Pack Support...

"To love disharmony back into harmony creates a greater harmony than existed before …"

We are all being encouraged to practice the art of quelling reaction (imprisoning con) into response (liberating trick.)

*Much vehemence to be composted to how the earth deems best in its healing...

*Anything Could Happen: "Protoplasm of reality especially receptive to imaginative imprint.

Grand Mutability

(The Arabic opening to fairy tales "Kan ya ma kan…."

"It was and it was not" ) 

"Unlikely in known muggle universe, makes it likely in unknown multiverses."

Many stories and possibilities all a swirl, let's pledge our fealty to the desirable ones (initiated by appropriate "appalled but not surprised.")

Invisible eager for incarnational invitation…

Metaphor be the incarnational garb whereby power enters the world…and music be it's ride. Means of transport ---Orishas….

Ripping off obedience callers - con-straints, and going surprisingly free-range…

the obedient story police and their own first con….

(may they cast off obedience callers and run free,

meanwhile we are freed from the story-police constraints of their imprisoning narrative...)

*Calling all creative animists - re-uniting activism with animism, tossing off the con of colonialism

* Cultivating Cultural High Jinx, always with the dedication to liberate (not tantrum yoga inflation)

and a supportive mantra:

* Down and back-  "We wonder how it's all folking perfect…"


Friends also reminded me that I have not raised my consulting rates in over 23 years, and encouraged me to do so… I balked at the enormity of their suggestion…

But will do so, in a lesser than suggested way…

For last 3 decades have charged $300 for astrological consultations

As of the New Moon on July 4th (!!!!!)

I will raise rates to $350…

(I am doing my best work ever, in guiding all to their own wise autonomy, and strategy whereby to contribute their considerable gifts to the world in a manner that is replenishing, at this time of Dire Beauty.)

All may purchase sessions at old rate until then,

for use any old time…

and we will keep the increasing bargain of 4 sessions for $1,000 - for a time...

So Let's Cahoot with the Wild Rising Renaissance of Now

Rising Renaissance, Bernie being impeccable, run-down on strategy for this "electing the earth cycle."


Sunday June 19th

Caroline will be con-versing, con-sidering,

that we may toss off con-straints

KPFA Summer Crafts Faire

Free admission

Sunday June 19th

3 pm pdt

Craneway Pavilion

1414 Harbour Way South

Richmond California


Trickster has granted Caroline press passes to both conventions in Cleveland and Philadelphia - to file scouting reports and smuggle liberating Mythic News narrative into and out of these Underworlds…

Apparently I have earned an all access

Underworld Round Trip pass…

To support Caroline's journey on behalf of all critters -

feel encouraged to donate to her journey...

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475