Underworld Journeys to Rising Renaissance Solstice Gatherings… Mythic News of Now

Published: Fri, 06/17/16

Caroline W. Casey presents:

Underworld Journeys to Rising Renaissance 

Cahoot with Coyote Ladling Liberating Spirals

out of the Cauldron…

Flora Fauna-2016-

Inaugurating our Guiding Story

Full Moon Summer Solstice historic astro*mytho*politco*talk*ritual*theatre

with long-time ally Amikaeyla Gaston,

chanteuse, singer, Santeria initiate,

to call in the Orishas of Woof!

that we all have the support we need to

"dree our weird!" ("Play our role in Destiny.")

Monday June 20th

7 pm

Open Secret Cultural Center

923 C Street, San Rafael CA 94901

reservations recommended

Call: 415-457-4191

$20 in advance

$30 at door

(I know, steep differential incentive…and just to play fair, sometimes challenging to make reservations, if you made an attempt, let us know, and we will put you on $20 list)

(I had a Big Underworld To Redemption Adventure….…micro to macro,

upon arriving at SFO...but sufficient to say…with guiding support from Compassionate Trickster in myriad shape-shifting forms, the lady, the cop, the emt's, the great Peninsula Hospital team, the surgery guide named Merlin, the fantastic surgeon, like Tina Fey, my Jazz trumpeter nephew, Jacob Varmus, who synchronously sang me out of Underworld, on another coast, at the very moment I was emerging from surgery …and said, "Synchronic: We were playing your song- Woofa, Priestess of Woof Wrath!!!- Friday night ~12:30AMEST at Oracle Club in NYC."

No one gets out of the Underworld alone, why 'tis such a great time to gather to cahoot…

*If you are in Northern California - we can carouse in intimate actuality…

*For others - we will offer recording. Will let you know, once all skookum.)


(I do have an ongoing Wednesday nights Shift Network Course, Trickster Training Mystery School April - November 9th, day after election, for which enrollment is now closed….but…)

Open to all now! I do have my on-going Trickster Training Council (Compassionate Trickster Experimental Mystery School)- been going for years…New people always welcome to jump in at any point.

Monday Nights 6 pm pt, 9 pm et (global enrollment, in these councils, such a great way to collaborate, people from all over, U.S., Canada, Beirut, Belgium, Ireland, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand.) Dedicated to cultivating our considerable skills to be agents of cool liberating response in a hot reactive world...

A friend was recently queried:"What is your definition of maturity?" To which he responded: "To have access to all of one's resources." And that is the manner in which Trickster engages the astrological language - to guide us all to the considerable powers with which we are all endowed.

That our language, metaphor and story be in accord with our dedicated hearts.


Invitation to jump in:


(a mere $200 for 3 months enrollment)


Friends also reminded me that I have not raised my consulting rates in over 23 years, and encouraged me to do so…

I balked at the enormity of their suggestion…But will do so, in a lesser than suggested way…

For last 3 decades have charged $300 for astrological consultations


As of the New Moon on July 4th (!!!!!) I will raise rates to $350…

(I am doing my best work ever, in guiding all to their own wise autonomy, and strategy whereby to contribute their considerable gifts to the world in a manner that is replenishing, at this time of Dire Beauty.)

All may purchase sessions at old rate until then, for use any old time…

and we will keep the increasing bargain of 4 sessions for $1,000 - for a time...

So Let's Cahoot with the Wild Rising Renaissance of Now

Waxing Moon, Summer Solstice, Grand Square in Mutability,

("The protoplasm of Reality is especially receptive to Imaginative Imprint.")

Rising Renaissance, Bernie being impeccable, run-down on strategy for this "electing the earth cycle."


Persevering through kerfuffles…my ally Richard Olson, Digital Director of Coyote Network News, recorded Daniel Giamario (in Phillipines, with Roosters!) and my conversing for pre-recorded Visionary Activist Show on KPFA/Pacifica,

which then had a customary technical kerfuffle and dropped the last 20 minutes without explanation…However - here it is - the complete cahoot:

Visionary Activist Show 6.16.16 Spiraling Whirli-gig of now, Caroline hosts fellow astro*mytho*politico* cultural guide, Daniel Giamario, from Phillipines…



Sunday June 19th Caroline will be con-versing, con-sidering, that we may toss off con-straints at 3 pm pdt at KPFA Summer Crafts Faire - Free admission

Craneway Pavilion 1414 Harbour Way South, Richmond California https://kpfa.org/craftsfair/summer/



Trickster has granted Caroline press passes to both conventions in Cleveland and Philadelphia - to file scouting reports and smuggle liberating Mythic News narrative into and out of these Underworlds…Apparently I have earned an all access Underworld Round Trip pass…

To support Caroline's journey on behalf of all critters- feel encouraged to donate to her journey...

And one current guiding encouragement:

"We wonder how it's all f*cking perfect!"

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | www.CoyoteNetworkNews.com | 831-687-9475