Cosmic Comedy on April Fool’s Day

Published: Wed, 03/30/16

Yo Team,

Swami Beyondananda, my long-time buddy Steve Bhaerman - is an ally from whom I have gleaned many bon mots (always attributed),
such as “tantrum yoga” and “the answer to the drug problem? - Improve Reality!"

Have the current headlines and political dysfunction got you down?
Are you giving up hope that the world will ever change?

If so, I’m excited to invite you to a special “enlightening up” event:
Friday, April 1 (yep, April Fools’ Day!)
Karma Talk
An April Fool’s Day Cosmic Comedy Special,
with Cosmic Comic Swami Beyondananda! 
Join us and let Swami’s special brand of heart-opening humor help you discover how laughter can shift every aspect of your life for the better, AND… how it can be a catalyst for positive change in the world.

Not only will the Swami be delivering -- live and in person -- his annual State of the Universe Address,

and not only will Swami answer your questions, you will question his answers.  

If you're looking for an opportunity to laugh, laugh, laugh till the sacred cows come home, this is it!

He’ll brighten your outlook on our collective challenges and show how humor can heal the world.
During this hour-long enlightened comedy event, you’ll enjoy:
  • Wisdom disguised as comedy, and comedy disguised as wisdom.
  • Plenty of opportunities to laugh out loud about what silly geese we humans are.
  • Heartening laughter and inspiration regarding our current political dysfunction.
  • A chance to get your question answered by the Swami himself.
  • Swami guarantees this April Fools Day event will leave you lightened and brightened — or double your karma back!
You’ll be able to ask Swami questions about how to open your heart and enlighten your mind with laughter. No question is too mundane or too profound. If something is puzzling you, ask the Swami and have it puzzle him too!

It’s time to put into practice what you already know: laughter makes everything better, and changing the world CAN be fun!​​​​​​​
Woof Woof!

PS: Let humor and a "God's-eye-view" of the circumstances we find ourselves currently in —

including our current challenges with “electile dysfunction”

… catapult you out of the muck and mire during Cosmic Comic Swami Beyondananda’s: Karma Talk: An April Fool’s Day Cosmic Comedy Special!

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475